THE NURSE LEADER AS KNOWLEDGE WORKER – NURS-6051N Module 1: Week 2: Assignment

THE NURSE LEADER AS KNOWLEDGE WORKER – NURS-6051N Module 1: Week 2: Assignment

The Assignment:

  • Explain the concept of a knowledge worker.
  • Define and explain nursing informatics and highlight the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.
  • Include one slide that visually represents the role of a nurse leader as knowledge worker.
  • Your PowerPoint should Include the hypothetical scenario you originally shared in the Discussion Forum. Include your examination of the data that you could use, how the data might be accessed/collected, and what knowledge might be derived from that data. Be sure to incorporate feedback received from your colleagues’ responses.
  • THE NURSE LEADER AS KNOWLEDGE WORKER – NURS-6051N Module 1: Week 2: Assignment
  • The Nurse Leader as a Knowledge Worker


COURSE: 6051N 23 Transforming Nursing & Healthcare.

  • Concept of Knowledge Worker
  • Nurses work as a knowledge worker through using information and data that is converted into knowledge. Nurses’ works on this knowledge through developing care plans, making updates on the existing ones and maintaining quality standards at work.

THE NURSE LEADER AS KNOWLEDGE WORKER – NURS-6051N Module 1: Week 2: Assignment





  • Factors Involved in Knowledge Creation



  • Nursing Informatics

Importance of Nursing informatics

  • Increasing health care costs
  • Rising incidences of chronic illnesses
  • Modernized ubiquity of health technology
  • Aging population
  • Evolution of personalized medicine
  • Emerging virtual healthcare delivery
  • Rising consumer informatics
  • big data in healthcare (McGonigle, 2022).


  • Nursing Informatics Roles


  • Case Scenario

During my current fieldwork as a homecare case manager, I evaluate the patients in their homes, I collect data using semi-structured questionnaires. Some of the data I collect includes the mood of the patients, social activities, communication logs, and observation of major aspects of the patients. I also have an opportunity of holding focus group discussions with family members who have important information about the patients as they possess important solutions THE NURSE LEADER AS KNOWLEDGE WORKER – NURS-6051N Module 1: Week 2: Assignment . Patients’ changes and needs from these focus groups are recorded using my phone for future reference and analysis. The data helps me in seeking further medical care and also to know whether a given patient requires additional clinical visit for specialist attention or not. In addition, the data is analyzed into tables and graphs that help in monitoring patients’ changes and these visual data analysis methods help in determining the nature of the treatment (Nagle, 2017).

  • Data Management

Methods of collecting data

  • Semi structured questionnaires
  • Focus group discussions

Types of data to collect:

  • Mood of the patients
  • Social activities
  • Communication logs
  • Patient observation

Application of data

  • Identifying Types of medications to give patients
  • Cost of certain diagnostic procedures
  • Available care providers
  • Resources required to managing the illness (Nagle, 2017).
  • THE NURSE LEADER AS KNOWLEDGE WORKER – NURS-6051N Module 1: Week 2: Assignment


  • References
  • McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning
  • Nagle, L. M., Sermeus, W., & Junger, A. (2017). Evolving Role of the Nursing Informatics Specialist. Studies in health technology and informatics232, 212–221.
  • Sweeney, J. (2017). Healthcare informatics. 21.
  • THE NURSE LEADER AS KNOWLEDGE WORKER – NURS-6051N Module 1: Week 2: Assignment