Post a description of the healthcare organization website you reviewed. Describe where, if at all, EBP appears (e.g., the mission, vision, philosophy, and/or goals of the healthcare organization, or in other locations on the website). Then, explain whether this healthcare organization’s work is grounded in EBP and why or why not. Finally, explain whether the information you discovered on the healthcare organization’s website has changed your perception of the healthcare organization. Be specific and provide examples.


Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by visiting the websites they shared and offering additional examples of EBP or alternative views/interpretations to those shared in your colleagues’ posts.

    • Discussion 1 Week 1:      Evidence-base Practice and Community Health Systems


      Evidence-based practice (EBP) uses the most current research that shows evidence of quality patient outcomes in different matters and applies it to patient care (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019).  EBP is the best way to practice medicine, but it has yet to be accepted and is used most of the time in the United States.  The Quadruple Aim is the initiative that calls for “improving the experience of care, improving the health of populations, reducing the cost of health care, and “to improve the work-life of health care providers” (Boller, 2019).  To implement EBP is to improve the goal of the Quadruple Aim.

      Community Health Systems (CHS) www.chs.netLinks to an external site. is one of the nation’s leading healthcare providers. Developing and operating healthcare delivery systems in 47 distinct markets across 16 states.  CHS mentions having an “ever-strengthening commitment to clinical excellence”.  If the commitment is to excl then EBP would be utilized to achieve the desired goals.  In the section called “Serving Communities,” CHS discusses the importance of quality care given to patients that utilize their facilities.   It’s mentioned CHS caregivers are focused on “evident-based medicine, processes and clinical care paths that improves patient outcomes and safety” and they have received awards acknowledging these efforts (Community Health Systems, 2020)  CHS is also involved in Patient Safety Organizations (PSO), which aims to improve quality care and safety by creating a secure environment  where clinicians and health systems can collect, aggregate and analyze date in hopes to eliminate risks and hazards that could affect the delivery of patient care. EBP has shown to increase the quality of care, improve patient outcomes, reduce cost and increase clinical satisfaction and CHS are grounded in these goals (Melnky & Fineout-Overholt, 2019).

      CHS is known to be an exceptional organization, that thrives on providing quality and effective patient care.  I believe CHS is one of the leading healthcare organizations and is committed to providing quality patient care and outcomes with the support of evidence-based practices.



      Boller, J. (2019). Nurse educators: Leading health care to the quadruple aim sweet spot.

      Journal of Nursing Education, 56(12), 707-708

      Community Health System. Serving communities. Retrieved June 1, 2020, from


      Melnyk, B.M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare:     

      A guide to best practice (4th ed.)

       Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionLiana Iskhakov

        Response 1:

        Greetings Telove,

        Thank you for your post. I was not familiar with this organization or the extent of its outreach and commitment to communities. In your post, you incorporate the importance of utilizing evidence-based practice and the implementation of the Quadruple Aim Initiative. As discussed by Boller (2017), despite the Quadruple Aim being published in 2014 by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, following the initial Triple Aim Initiative proposed in 2008,  many hospitals are still slow to incorporate evidence-based practice into nursing care, instead relying on older, traditional models of care (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). Some barriers to change include a lack of training, education, and skills, time constraints due to heavy patient loads, a resistive culture, a lack of leadership support, and a lack of resources (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018).

        The CHS Community Impact Report 2021-2022 addresses submitting annual reports to CMS, Centers for Medicare, and Medicaid Services (Community Health, 2022). Many insurances have changed their reimbursement policies to hold organizations to higher accountability for quality care and services and may deny reimbursements when medical errors and complications are present (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). The report also addresses high levels of employee satisfaction and retention rates. Silka et al. (2015) state that high workplace satisfaction rates stem from a meaningful work environment with a culture of high-quality work, respect, transparency, safety, and support. It appears that Community Health Services strives to fulfill these qualities to provide high-quality healthcare at affordable cost through evidence-based practice (Community Health, n.d.).


        Boller, J. (2017). Nurse educators: leading healthcare to the quadruple aim sweet spot. Journal

         of Nursing, 56(12), 707-708. https://doi:10.3928/01484834-20171120-01

        Community Health Services. (n.d.). Serving Communities. Retrieved from to an external site.

        Community Health Services. (2022). Community Impact Report. Retrieved from to an external site.

        Melnyk, B.M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare:

        A guide to best practice (4th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

        Silka, R., Morath, J.M., & Leape, L. (2015). The Quadruple Aim: Car, health, cost and meaning in

        work. BMJ Quality & Safety, 24(10), 608-610. https://doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2015-004160



         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionKwesi Lee Koranteng Immanuel

        Response 1

        Hi Telove,

        Thank you for sharing. I have never heard of Community Health Systems (CHS) and had the opportunity to review their website due to your post. In operating a large organization in 16 states that aims to provide quality care and improve patient outcomes and safety, evidence-based practice (EBP) must be a central focus. Implementing evidence into healthcare is necessary to improve outcomes for patients, clinicians, and health systems (Cassidy, Flynn, Shuman, 2021). CHS discusses its reliability standard and focuses on continuous improvements in quality of care and patient safety. They have used new technologies to increase safety and reduce their serious safety event rate since 2013 (CHS, 2022).

        As more nursing leaders (i.e., DNPs) emerge and enter the workforce, they not only translate scientific evidence but can inform policy and research (Smith, Stalter, & McElroy, 2020). When assessing EBP priorities, sometimes, a gap exists when determining what evidence needs to be translated. Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) have the knowledge and skill to identify and collaborate with stakeholders, conduct internal and external searches for evidence, and appraise the level and quality of each piece of evidence (Smith, Stalter, & McElroy, 2020). How does CHS utilize and address the growing expertise and value APRNs bring to the healthcare environment?



        Cassidy, C. E., Flynn, R., & Shuman, C. J. (2021). Preparing nursing contexts for

        evidence‐based practice implementation: Where should we go from here? Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 18(2), 102–110. to an external site.

        Community Health System (CHS). Quality. (2022). Retrieved on December 1, 2022,

        from to an external site.

        Smith, S. D., Stalter, A. M., & McElroy, K. G. (2020). Association of Community Health Nursing Educators’, 2020 evidence-based project priorities:

        A national blueprint for unifying research and evidence-based practice priorities. Public Health Nursing (Boston, Mass.)37(5), 778–788.

         Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionNicole Lea Miller

      Week 1 Discussion

      Change is a constant factor when working in healthcare. As for technologies, technique, and knowledge, healthcare workers need to stay up to date on current studies and education. According to Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt evidence-based practice (EBP) targets “quadruple aim” which consists of lowering healthcare costs, improve quality healthcare, targeting patient care improvement, and enabling physician decisions (2018). In order to provide solid, well rounded, and precise care to our patients, it is important that healthcare workers stay on top of new research and information.

      The healthcare organization that I chose to research was, American Nurse Association (ANA). The ANA is an organization that speaks for all the registered nurses in the United States and its territories (ANA Enterprise, 2017). The organization was founded in 1896 and its sole purpose is to enhance the quality of healthcare as a whole (ANA Enterprise, 2017).  According to the ANA, its 2020-2023 strategic plan consists of elevating the profession of nursing globally, engaging all nurses to ensure professional success, evolve the practice of nursing to transform health and health care, and enable transformational capabilities through operational excellence (n.d.). I do believe that the ANA is centered around EBP, even though it is not directly stated.

      An example of how evidence-based practice is integrated into the American Nurse Association is that the ANA offers education and workshops regularly. While looking through their website, it was evident that continued education is highly imperative to their mission in the organization. The website also offered information related to the current pandemic of COVID 19. These are all examples of how they incorporate evidence-based practice into their organization. Continued education is crucial for healthcare workers as this a stepping stone into changing patients’ lives by using evidence-based practice and enhancing patient care as a whole.

      After all, we all know as healthcare workers by the time we learn and then implement what we have learned, it is likely the evidence is already outdated. According to Melnyk et al., “evidence-based practice (EBP) leads to higher quality care, improved patient outcomes, reduced costs, and greater nurse satisfaction than traditional approaches to care” (2010). I firmly believe that every healthcare worker should be a part of an organization and it is important to and they can pair with their mission and values. The information on the healthcare organization has changed my perception in the sense that this organization is well rounded. This includes, continued education, the four goals previously described, and an organization that is willing to stick their neck out for healthcare workers. Having a superior that has your back is a very important weapon in the world we live in today.


      About ANA | ANA Enterprise. (2017, October 14). ANA.

      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice. Wolters Kluwer.

      Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, E., Stillwell, S. B., & Williamson, K. M. (2010). Evidence-Based Practice: Step by Step: The Seven Steps of Evidence-Based Practice. AJN, American Journal of Nursing110(1), 51–53.

       Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionEmily Grigsby

        Nicole, I enjoyed reading your post about the American Nurse Association (ANA). When reading over the ANA website I came across the (ANCC) the American Nurse Credentialing Center. “The ANCC is a subsidiary of the ANA. ANCC’s internationally renowned credentialing programs certify and recognize individual nurses in specialty practice areas. ANCC recognizes healthcare organizations that promote nursing excellence and quality patient outcomes while providing safe, positive work environments” (ANCC, 2022). When reading further into the ANCC website I discovered that they are involved in nursing research. “The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), in collaboration with the ANCC Research Council, has facilitated multi-site research studies since 2010 as a strategy to increase research capacity within organizations and to help organizations credentialed through the Magnet Recognition Program® meet criterion requirements” (ANCC, 2022). Also, the ANCC recognized that “rigorous, high-quality nursing research creates an evidence base that advances nursing practice, shapes health policy, and contributes to improving nurse, patient, and system outcomes” (ANCC, 2022). I found it interesting too that the ANA website did not state directly their involvement in nursing research or evidence-based practice. However, when viewing the ANCC a subsidiary of the ANA there was information about their involvement in research and evidence-based practice. 
        About ANCC (2022). Retrieved November, 29, 2022, from to an external site.
        ANCC. Credentialing center. Multi-site search playbook: A practical guide to support multi-site research studies for greater impact. (2022). Retrieved November 29,2022, from

         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionTelove George

        Response 1:  EBP

        I enjoyed reading your post! I agree with you as you stated the American Nurse Association is centered around EBP. In March of 2020, the ANA urged the CDC to develop evidence-base practices surrounding COVID-19.  The ANA was focused on how nurses would perform their jobs safely and effectively.  The ANA developed 5 steps in the nursing cycle, which are considered the five A’s.  The first step was ASK. What clinical question do you have and turn the concerns into answerable questions. The second step was ACQUIRE which involved searching for the evidence to answer the questions. This step involves research, and the best evidence is sought out to answer the questions.  The third step is APPRAISE. In this step you are seeking credibility and the relevance of the source. The next step is APPLY. Once the relevant evidence is located now it’s time to apply the information in the form of implementing the findings with your patients.  This phase involves integrating your research, your clinical expertise and experiences, and the patient’s preference into nursing practice. The final and last step is ASSESS. This step identifies if the interventions were effective or not. During this phrase you are evaluating what has been implemented.

        Nurses play a critical role in helping to prevent the spread of germs and the transmission of diseases by heading to EBP. As nurses, we are the patients’ best advocates. Staying up to date on new information and practices is still the best method to educate ourselves and keep patients informed (ANA Enterprise, 2017). By understanding and applying preventative measures and EBP, we are likely to minimize the risk of infecting others and ourselves. Simply, put EBP is providing a safe, compassionate, and effective nursing care that’s supported by research and patient outcomes (Crabtree et al., 2016).  I believe the website has encourage resources to be able to create evidence-based nursing guidelines.



        About ANA | ANA Enterprise. (2017, October 14

        Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving Patient Care Through

        Nursing Engagement in Evidence-Based Practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based

        Nursing13(2), 172–175. to an external site.

        Melnyk, B.M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare:     

        A guide to best practice (4th ed.)



         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionErin Lynne Whitehorne

        Response #1 

        Nicole, I agree that the American Nurses Association provides examples to prove that they utilize evidence-based practice. A source I found that proved this was their publication of “American Nurse,” that “features peer-reviewed features and articles written to keep nurses abreast of the latest developments in health care and supply them with the latest information that will enhance patient outcomes” (ANA, 2017). The ANA website emphasizes nurse empowerment and supports the nurse’s voice. This initially made it difficult to find proof of evidence-based practice, and I wondered if their primary goal was not in evidence-based practice but in providing support to nurses. Upon further investigation, however, there is an excellent link between a supported and empowered nurse and the quality of nursing care. If evidence-based practice is focused on ensuring the best patient outcomes, an organization that empowers nurses to demand fair treatment and resources is ultimately looking out for the patient’s best interests. Evidence-based practice reviews external and internal resources to seek favorable patient outcomes (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). A study on 687 registered nurses showed that 72% reported missed nursing care or errors due to a lack of time and/or resources (White et al., 2019). The ANA lists in its mission that it focuses on “fostering high standards of nursing practice, promoting a safe and ethical work environment, bolstering the health and wellness of nurses, and advocating on health care issues that affect nurses and the public” (ANA, 2017). Thus, the ANA emphasizes nurse empowerment because multiple sources have proved that an empowered nurse will provide exemplary patient care. This goal, the publications of research, and the education opportunities you mentioned prove that the ANA is an organization based on evidence-based practice.




        American Nurses Association. (2017, October 14). ANA Enterprise journals. ANA. to an external site.


        American Nurses Association. (2017a, October 14). About ANA | ANA Enterprise. ANA. to an external site.


        Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Health. to an external site.


        White, E. M., Aiken, L. H., & McHugh, M. D. (2019). Registered Nurse Burnout, Job Dissatisfaction, and Missed Care in Nursing Homes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society67(10), 2065–2071.

         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionRichard Permalino Tagulinao

        Week One Discussion – Second Peer Response

        Thank you, Nicole, for researching the ANA or American Nurses Association website. I agree with your evaluation

        of ANA’s utilization of EBP or evidence-based practice as solidified by the available workshops and training for the

        members of this organization. As I navigate the website, ANA has a vast account of information ranging from practice,

        advocacy, certification, and advanced practice are some of the main topics. One specific example of how ANA is

        grounded to EBP is with programs such as Project Firstline, wherein “ ANA partnered with the CDC or Centers for

        Disease Control, an interactive series of free online tools that give you the training and information you need about

        infection prevention and control (IPC) (ANA, 2022, n.d.).” Education empowers people, and Project Firstline of the

        ANA primarily educates the nurses about a wide range of topics that will enhance clinical practice and ultimately

        improve health outcomes.

        According to Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019), “EBP is a lifelong problem-solving approach to clinical practice

        that integrates a systematic search for and critical appraisal of the most relevant and best research to answer a

        burning clinical question (p.8).” ANA has been a partner to all the nurses working in this country for many years. As a

        nurse working in new surroundings in 2008, when I first worked in the United States, I relied heavily on the ANA

        website to help answer some of the complicated situations I observed. I attended the online and face-to-face training

        on the ANA website to meet the continuing education units. It enriched my knowledge and boosted my confidence in

        the delivery of care. “EBP moves research to the bedside (Walden University LLC, 2018, n.d.).”  EBP produces new

        knowledge through training and journal articles to address clinical issues such as HAIs, hospital-acquired infections,

        and even nurse burnout. EBP involves a systematic process to understand and support the clinical practice of

        professionals such as nurses.


        ANA or American Nurses Association (2022). Infection Prevention and control training for Nurses, By Nurses.

        Retrieved from: to an external site.

        Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and  Healthcare: A Guide to

              Best Practice. Wolters Kluwer.

        Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2018). Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice and Research [Video file].

        Baltimore, MD: Author.

         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionLiana Iskhakov

        Response 2:

        Greetings Nicole,

        I greatly appreciate your choice of the healthcare organization, the American Nurses Association. The current nursing profession is grounded on the ANA Code of Ethics, establishing expectations of professionalism, growth, research, and commitment to patient safety and care, which are the goals of evidence-based practice (American Nurses Association, 2015). Establishing a solid nursing profession committed to excellence begins with the foundations of nursing education (Crabtree et al., 2016). Nursing curriculums must contain evidence-based courses, and healthcare organizations should provide education, resources, and mentorship to disseminate evidence-based practice, which leads to excellence in patient care (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018).

        The American Nurses Association’s commitment to the professional growth of the nursing profession and committed to the excellence of care is demonstrated in several ways. The American Nurses Credentialing Association (AANC) is responsible for identifying and certifying nursing programs, educational programs, and organizations that commit to the highest standards of nursing care and optimal patient outcomes and implement evidence-based practice, such as the Magnet program (American Nurses Association, n.d.). Additionally, the ANA is the home of professional, peer-reviewed journals committed to research and current healthcare trends (American Nurses Association, n.d.). Lastly, the ANA provides an Evidence-based nursing education course to help nurses understand evidence-based research and how to apply it to patient care and optimal outcomes (American Nurses Association, n.d.) As you have stated, the American Nurses Association is an excellent resource, support, and guidance for all nurses committed to quality, science-driven, compassionate patient care.


        American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements. Retrieved from           ethics-for-nurses/coe-view-only/

        American Nurses Association. (n.d.). ANA Journals. Retrieved from to an external site.

        American Nurses Association. (n.d.). About ANCC. Retrieved from to an external site.

        American Nurses Association. (n.d.). Making Data Work for Nursing: Using Nursing Research

        and Evidence-based Practice to Affect Nursing Outcomes. Retrieved from

        Crabtree, C., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving patient care through nursing

        engagement in evidence-based practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(2),

        172-175. https://doi:10.1111/wvn.12126Links to an external site.

        Melnyk, B.M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare:

        A guide to best practice (4th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.


         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionLiana Iskhakov

        Response 2:

        Greetings Nicole,

        I greatly appreciate your choice of the healthcare organization, the American Nurses Association. The current nursing profession is grounded on the ANA Code of Ethics, establishing expectations of professionalism, growth, research, and commitment to patient safety and care, which are the goals of evidence-based practice (American Nurses Association, 2015). Establishing a solid nursing profession committed to excellence begins with the foundations of nursing education (Crabtree et al., 2016). Nursing curriculums must contain evidence-based courses, and healthcare organizations should provide education, resources, and mentorship to disseminate evidence-based practice, which leads to excellence in patient care (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018).

        The American Nurses Association’s commitment to the professional growth of the nursing profession and committed to the excellence of care is demonstrated in several ways. The American Nurses Credentialing Association (AANC) is responsible for identifying and certifying nursing programs, educational programs, and organizations that commit to the highest standards of nursing care and optimal patient outcomes and implement evidence-based practice, such as the Magnet program (American Nurses Association, n.d.). Additionally, the ANA is the home of professional, peer-reviewed journals committed to research and current healthcare trends (American Nurses Association, n.d.). Lastly, the ANA provides an Evidence-based nursing education course to help nurses understand evidence-based research and how to apply it to patient care and optimal outcomes (American Nurses Association, n.d.) As you have stated, the American Nurses Association is an excellent resource, support, and guidance for all nurses committed to quality, science-driven, compassionate patient care.


        American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements.

        Retrieved from

        American Nurses Association. (n.d.). ANA Journals. Retrieved from to an external site.

        American Nurses Association. (n.d.). About ANCC. Retrieved from to an external site.

        American Nurses Association. (n.d.). Making Data Work for Nursing: Using Nursing Research

        and Evidence-based Practice to Affect Nursing Outcomes. Retrieved from

        Crabtree, C., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving patient care through nursing

        engagement in evidence-based practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(2),

        172-175. https://doi:10.1111/wvn.12126Links to an external site.

        Melnyk, B.M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare:

        A guide to best practice (4th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.


         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionSandeep Sandhu

        Week 1 Response 2

        Hi Nicole

        I enjoyed your post. American Nurses Association (ANA) is no stranger but has navigated through it with an eye for Evidence-based practice (EBP). ANA is always beneficial for nursing members. It is not only leaned toward advocacy for patients but is also great at workplace advocacy. The staff nurse is a vital link in implementing evidence-based improvements in clinical practice (Crabtree et al, 2016). No one is better at implementing EBP than nursing. Involving nurses throughout the process of building EBP will better involve them in practicing EBP. ANA supports nurses in practicing EBP. The ANA leverages evidence-based practice to influence its official position statements and then enables nurses through membership to integrate that knowledge into their clinical surroundings (ANA, 2021).




        ANA Position Statement – Promoting Safe Medication Use in the Older Adult. (2021). ANA.


        Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving Patient Care Through Nursing Engagement in Evidence-Based Practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(2), 172–175.

         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionShayquille Moore

        Hello Nicole



        Great response, I enjoyed reading your post. You mention that the ANA values education. After reading your post, I went to browse the website, and the ANA has a section directed strictly from EBP. The ANA also gives a brief discretion of how they use EBP when promoting their resources. A has a section on references and how to get to her preferences. The ANA always has been a  reputable site for LPN, Registered nurses, and APNs. Offer resources for every background and scope of practice. The ANA supports EBP SO they much they have created. A tool for us to utilize EBP. “The American Nurses Association has developed a Research Toolkit to help provide evidence-based care that promotes quality health outcomes for individuals, families, communities, and health care systems. (ANA, 2017) This allows us to search through the website. At the same time, they are finding reputable information that is Data-driven. Great response. I look forward to hearing more from you.



        AANP: The American Association of Nurse Practitioners. American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2022, from

        About Ana: Ana enterprise. ANA. (2017, October 14). Retrieved December 3, 2022, from

         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionJoshua Page


        Thank you for your post in which you discussed the evidence of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) in the American Nurses Association. Change is always happening; you are very right about that fact. However, we must be careful that we are not creating change just for the sake of change. Any change or iteration in a design should be intentional and for progress. Change is not progressive unless it moves the ball forward, so to speak. This is where EBP comes into play. When an organization is implementing evidence based practice, both the staff and the patients are benefiting (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). The staff benefits because they are (hopefully) having a streamlined work process and they know what to do in a situation. EBP takes the guesswork out of patient care. Additionally, the patients have a better experience because they are getting what data has shown will give them the best outcomes. Nursing education and professional development is important for the progression of the individual nurse and for the profession in general. As you mentioned the COVID-19 tab on the ANA website, I decided to check it out. Having worked on the ICU during COVID, I was interested to see what they would have to say. I found the website to be fairly basic and without much direction on the treatment of the virus (ANA, n.d). I would have liked to see more evidence and scientific information. Maybe I didn’t click around enough, but the information seemed watered down, much like we would discuss with our patients. It didn’t seem tailored to educated professionals. What did you think?


        American Nurses Association. (n.d.). Coronavirus: Clinical information. Retrieved from

        Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice. Wolters Kluwer.


         Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionArienne Joselle Ghammangne Moyopo

                                  Main Posting- Week 1: Evidenced Based Practice within Silverado Memory care

      Evidence-based approach to decision making is based on a combination of using critical thinking and the best available evidence (Crabtree et al., 2016). Silverado Senior Living is 100 % specialized in memory care. Their mission is to provide the highest quality of care and support to those with memory impairment and other chronic and acute conditions. Silverado provides the best care from compassion, and when clinical skills and experience are added in, improved outcomes happen. The goal of Silverado is to show that dementia does not mean a person’s life is over. With the proper care individuals can maximize their quality of life and slow the progression of the disease.

      According to Melnyk et al., (2010), when healthcare settings use evidence-based practice to provide patient’s care, clinicians can achieve improved outcomes. There is a study conducted at UC San Diego that shows that the population living with dementia in a residential care facility and involved in a daily healthy brain activity, physical exercises, etc. the progression of the disease slow by sixty percent compare to those living at home (Silverado, n.d.).  As evidence-based practice, Silverado uses an approach that treat the individual, not the condition. The teams at Silverado can create individualized care plans that help each person in our care achieve the best life possible.





      Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving Patient Care Through Nursing Engagement in Evidence-Based Practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing13(2), 172–175. to an external site.

      Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, E., Stillwell, S. B. & Williamson, K. M. (2010). Evidence-Based Practice: Step by Step: The Seven Steps of Evidence-Based Practice. AJN, American Journal of Nursing, 110 (1), 51-53. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000366056. 06605.d2.

      Silverado Senior Living (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2022.


       Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionTiffany Zurcher

        Module 1 Discussion Reply #1

        Hello Arienne,

        Thank you for the informative post on evidence-based practice (EBP) and Silverado Senior Living Center. After reviewing their website, I

        discovered they participate with multiple other research organizations to develop and implement new treatments and techniques for caring for

        residents with Alzheimer’s and memory to improve their quality of life. Their website was inspiring and informative and discussed Nexus, an

        evidence-based program implementing science and participation in the communities around. Nexus at Silverado focuses on a healthy brain. The

        goal is to change how people think about memory care by incorporating a science-based brain health program (Silverado, 2022).


        It is essential to have an evidence-based program implemented and specifically unique to the family and residents. When applied to the care of

        dementia patients, research shows that individuals, families, and caregivers experience improved quality of life. It is also important to update or

        alter the current practices routinely to reflect on the changes or advancement of dementia and implement possible other evidence-based

        practices (Fazio et al., 2018). Silverado Memory Care promotes and provides these standards of care to the residents.


        Nurses use evidence-based practice when providing care and making decisions. It is constantly evolving and staying abreast of the changes will

        help us to provide the most up-to-date care and treatment for our patients (Mackey & Bassendowski, 2017). Thank you again, Arienne. I

        enjoyed researching Silverado, and it is nice to know there are facilities like that around.



        Fazio, S., Pace, D., Maslow, K., Zimmerman, S., & Kallmyer, B. (2018). Alzheimer’s association dementia care practice recommendations. The

        Gerontologist58(suppl_1), S1–S9. to an external site.

        Mackey, A., & Bassendowski, S. (2017). The history of evidence-based practice in nursing education and practice. Journal of Professional Nursing33(1),

        51–55.!/content/playContent/1-s2.0-S875572231630028X?scrollTo=%23hl0000160Links to an external site.

        Silverado. (2022). Top rated memory care and assisted living to an external site.

         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionTracy Manning

        Response 1:

        As someone who has worked with patients with dementia for over 20 years, I can related to the need for using EBP. Dementia’s such as Alzheimer’s disease is the six leading cause of death in the United States and affects over six million individuals. With no current cure, Healthy People 2030 promotes the use of using EBP in their initiative to improve the health and quality of life of people suffering with dementia by focusing on early diagnosis through prompt notification of provider of signs and symptoms either by patient or caregiver and reducing avoidable hospital admissions in these patients (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.). Dementia diagnoses are not usually caught early and can lead to avoidable declines, injuries, and avoidable hospital admission; primary care doctors can play an important role in early diagnosis and assist patients and caregivers in getting the care and treatment needed to avoid potential complications (Assaf & Tanielian, 2018).  Assistive technological devices may be beneficial to both the patient with dementia and the caregivers when made to address potential barriers such as motivation, eyesight problems, decreases in coordination, and inability to access provided information (Cunnah et al., 2021)

        Assaf, G., & Tanielian, M. (2018). Mild cognitive impairment in primary care: a clinical review. Postgraduate medical journal94(1117), 647–652. to an external site.

        Cunnah, K., Howe, D., Thorpe, J., Dunn, R., Platt, R., White, C., Paulson, K., & Wolverson, E. (2021). Training people with dementia/cognitive impairment and their carers in the use of web-based supportive technologies (Innovative practice). Dementia (London, England)20(2), 796–806.

        U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Dementias. Home of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion – to an external site.

         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionStephanie Ann Blackburn

        Reply 2: 

        Great post Arienne, Dementia is dear to my heart. My grandmother was diagnosed with Dementia, and it was very sad to watch her fade away, but she never lost her smile because the staff loved her. I found an article that stated they did a studied Dementia Care Mapping. According to Wylie et al (2002) the staff participated in activities and training that helped them understand what it is like to have dementia and be confined to locked unit. The training was over 70hrs of observation and mapping then helped staff change their practices to ensure that residents had a better quality of life. It has been proven over and over that evidence-based practice adds to the quality of care that we provide.  

        Recently, there has been an increase of scientific evidence available to guide health professionals in their clinical decision making (Melnyk et al., 2014). 

        Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2014). The Establishment of Evidence-Based Practice Competencies for Practicing Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Nurses in Real-World Clinical Settings: Proficiencies to Improve Healthcare Quality, Reliability, Patient Outcomes, and Costs. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing11(1), 5–15. to an external site. 

        Wylie, K., Walton, J. A., & Madjar, I. (2002). Dementia care mapping: a person-centred, evidence-based approach to improving the quality of care in residential care settings. Geriaction20(2), 5-9. 

         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionMaria Victoria Valdez Gatuz

        RESPONSE 1:

                                                              Evidenced-Based Practice within Silverado Memory care

        Hi Arienne,

        Thank you for posting a topic on memory care.  Americans today are living with Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Memory care facilities provide

        individuals with a secure environment that prevents wandering. The elderly population can be easily monitored in this kind of space which

        promotes independence and reduces confusion. I found out from the website that we also have Silverado Memory Care in the State of Illinois,

        Silverado St. Charles Memory Care Community in St. Charles.  One of the services the facility offers is Brain Healthy Living or called Nexus.

        Academic research has validated that participants in Nexus at Silverado showed a statistically significant 60 % improvement in cognition when

        compared to those without such treatment (Silverado, n.d.). Nexus is the science and the lifestyle (Browndyke & Sherwood, 2010). Mounting

        research is building an understanding that there may be ways to slow the progression and change the pathologies of many common dementias.

        Nexus supports an active, brain-healthy lifestyle for individuals living with the early stages of dementia. Community-planned activities focus on

        keeping engaged and social while living a comfortable life as individuals with memory impairment. Cognitive and physical exercises such as

        games and strategies reinforce cognitive skills that remain to compensate for those lost to dementia. Lactate produced during exercise

        constitutes an alternative source of energy that the brain uses.(Hashimoto et al., 2021). This help slows down the progression of dementia

        problem. This type of research from Evidenced-based programs when applied to memory loss care can give families and loved ones a chance to

        enjoy a quality of life and the possibility of fulfilling moments together.



        Browndyke, J. N., & Sherwood, A. (2010). Aerobic exercise and neurocognitive performance: A meta-analytic review of randomized controlled

        trials. Psychosomatic Medicine72(3), 239–252. to an external site.

        Hashimoto, T., Tsukamoto, H., Ando, S., & Ogoh, S. (2021). Effect of exercise on brain health: The potential role of lactate as a

        Myokine. Metabolites11(12), 813.

        Silverado Senior Living (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2022.



         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionLaquita Carrington


        Using Evidence based practice to care for those with dementia is a great way to show EBP.  Part of the evidence supporting evidence-based programs is the positive health and quality of life outcomes that many are shown to provide. They also provide education that can help caregivers feel more informed and confident, as well as action items that can help both in improving care in the present and planning for the future (Benjamin Rose, 2021).


        EBP will allow for nurses to keep up with the evolving healthcare technologies.  Evidence-based practice also provides opportunities for nursing care to be more individualized, more effective, streamlined, and dynamic, and to maximize effects of clinical judgment. When evidence is used to define best practices rather than to support existing practices, nursing care keeps pace with the latest technological advances and takes advantage of new knowledge developments (AACN, 2001).



        Navigation. Evidence Based Programs Why They Matter for Dementia Caregivers. (2021). Retrieved December 4, 2022, from to an external site.

        D;, Y. J. M. B. (2001). Evidence-based nursing practice: Why is it important? AACN clinical issues. Retrieved December 4, 2022, from



         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionJoshua Page


        Thank you for your posting on the topic of dementia and an organization that is responsible for the care of those patients who have this disease. It truly is a life-altering diagnosis, and it does not just stop with the patient. The family members and friends are also affected by a loved one showing signs of dementia. Silverado is a name that I am familiar with because there are many communities/facilities surrounding the area in which I live. As I was looking at Silverado’s website, I was impressed with the amount of research studies that they had posted on their “About Us” section. There were 16 studies that they have been involved in over the last 20 years (Silverado, n.d.). The thing that I did note, though, was that all of those studies seem to be dated from 2010 or earlier. In an industry that can change (almost) daily, it is important to continue to use best practice. This can only be done by staying current with studies and continuing to research and gather data (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). The fact that the company has been so involved in studies in the past, however, does seem to indicate to me that the culture of the company is to protect patients and provide them the best care possible.


        Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice. Wolters Kluwer.

        Silverado Senior Living (n.d.). About us: Silverado research studies. Retrieved from

         Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionChinwe U Okpara

      Where in the World is Evidence-based Practice?

      Evidence-based practice (EBP) involves collecting, processing, and applying the best current research findings in healthcare decision-making and practice. This practice is considered very important for the enhancing healthcare outcomes (Chien et al., 2019). There is no standard formula on how EBP is used in decision-making; instead, it is based on various rating systems of strength and quality of gathered evidence from research reports or studies ( Melynk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). Practice that is supported by evidence is likely to yield positive healthcare outcomes. While EBP has been proven vital, not all healthcare organizations apply this practice to the fullest. The following is a review of the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) to determine how much this organization applies EBP.

      The American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC)

      AARC is a professional organization whose primary purpose is to promote and encourage professional excellence and advancement in the practice of respiratory care. This organization advocates for patients with respiratory health issues, their families, the public, and respiratory therapy providers. The use of evidence is key to the effectiveness of this organization. Application of EBP can help them to offer helpful guidance to the stakeholders they target with their services.

      The use of EBP appears in several areas on the company’s website. One of these areas is the “Education” category on the website. This category contains resources for stakeholders such as patients, educators, and healthcare providers. Under this category, there are a variety of online courses that include information on respiratory health care supported by scientific evidence. The category also includes webinars taught by professionals who base their ideas on scientific data.

      Evidence also appears in the “Resources” category of the website. The organization offers its members access to resources that they can use to learn more about respiratory health issues and respiratory practice. This category also includes much scientific evidence to help the target audience to gain more knowledge in the area in which the organization specializes.

      Analysis and Conclusion

      AARC can be said to be an organization that bases its work on EBP. Including scientific evidence in segments that offer valuable information to its target audience signifies that the organization wants to share information that will lead to positive outcomes. When people look for data on the AARC website, they can be confident that the organization offers information usable in a real-life setting. This information can be applied to improve the quality and safety of respiratory care. In conclusion, the analysis of the AARC website has helped me to form a positive perception of the organization. The organization can positively impact the lives of people with respiratory diseases by giving access to evidence-based information that improves the likelihood of achieving positive outcomes. The website also causes me to trust the organizations accredited by AARC because they likely meet the standards of evidence-based practice that the organization emulates.



      American Association for Respiratory Care. (2022). Website.

      Chien, L. Y. (2019). Evidence-based practice and nursing research. The Journal of Nursing Research, 27(4), e29.

      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.


       Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionGina Gordenier


        I enjoyed reading your post about The American Association for Respiratory Care. The website is easy to navigate and supports evidence-based practice in several ways. I liked the link under resources to directly access the Respiratory Care Journal. I searched the Respiratory Care Journal for articles about evidence-based approaches and found several. Including an article titled Evidence-Based Practice Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Use Among Respiratory Therapy Faculty and Students. The abstract discussed the knowledge base regarding evidence-based practice amongst faculty and students using data from a survey. The results were interesting, stating, “faculty and post-professional students in this study were knowledgeable and confident regarding EBP, but the frequency of using EBP in clinic decisions was limited” (Clark et al., 2019, Conclusion section). The website is a reliable with great deal of evidence based resources.



        AARC Publications. AARC. (2021, December 27). Retrieved November 29, 2022, from

        Clark, K., Brown, P., Gill, D., & Karper, W. (2019, October 1). Evidence-Based Practice Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Use Among Respiratory Therapy Faculty and Students. American Association for Respiratory Care. to an external site.


         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionYun Ju Shin


        I enjoyed reading your post. After reviewing the American Association for Respiratory Care’s website, there are also evidence-based practice guidelines on how to handle various clinical conditions (2022). For instance, there are American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) evidence-based practice guidelines for artificial airway suctioning, management of pediatric patients with oxygen in the acute care setting, and management of pediatric patients with tracheostomy in the acute care setting (2022). At the same time, there are also evidence-based practice guidelines regarding effective pharmacologic airway clearance therapies in hospitalized patients and care of the ventilator circuit and its correlation to ventilator associated pneumonia. Undoubtedly, these evidence-based practice guidelines are key in optimizing the quality of care in patient-care settings.


        American Association for Respiratory Care. (2022, October 6). Clinical practice guidelines. American Association for Respiratory Care. to an external site.

        American Association for Respiratory Care. (2022, March 31). Clinical resources. American Association for Respiratory Care. to an external site.


         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionMaria Victoria Valdez Gatuz

                                                                                         Where in the World is Evidence-based Practice?


        RESPONSE 2:  The American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC)

        Hi Colleague Chinwe,

        The topic you presented is very interesting in the aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic.  The world changed in March 2020 as the SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus made its way to American shores. Even the most prepared hospitals were overwhelmed by what would come next. Understaffed hospitals were overrun by infected patients. Hospitals and caregivers were ill-prepared for the onslaught the virus brought.  The AARC website has so much information for health professionals. The lesson learned from the pandemic led AARC to develop checklists to assist in providing optimum care for patients at risk of oxygen desaturation during transport within the hospital. The AARC website also provided a video on the Safe Initiation and Management of Mechanical Ventilation (AARC, 2022). There is no question that respiratory therapists along with critical care physicians and nurses are the experts in managing the care for critically ill patients. However, during extreme times like the COVID-19 pandemic, the patient surge capacity exceeded the number of available trained personnel. The AARC collaborated with edX and Harvard to launch Mechanical Ventilation for COVID-19, a free online introductory course on ventilator use that addresses the urgent need for medical professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. The course will not replace the expertise of a critical care respiratory therapist; rather, it provides foundational knowledge that will allow collaboration for the best possible patient care in a crisis that happened during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This proves that EBP and nursing research help face the challenge because the approach to decision-making is based on a combination of using critical thinking and the best available evidence (Crabtree et al., 2016). Now, through the efforts and research of AARC, not only respiratory therapists but other health professionals will be ready to help colleagues and patients on the front lines of this virus.


        American Association for Respiratory Care. (2022). Website. to an external site.

        Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving Patient Care Through Nursing Engagement in Evidence-Based

        Practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing13(2), 172–175.

         Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionEmily Grigsby

    Initial Discussion Reply week 1: Evidence Based Practice At Johns Hopkins Medicine

    The health care website I reviewed is the Johns Hopkins Medicine homepage. The organization states in their mission statement that the mission of “Johns Hoskins Medicine is to improve the health of the community and the world by setting the standard of excellence in medical education, research, and clinical care” (Matsos, 2019).  Johns Hopkins is recognized as a magnet hospital and incorporates evidence-based practice into their patient care. Johns Hopkins Hospital is also a center for clinical research trials. I was unaware that Hopkins performed clinical trials. I was under the impression that the only facility in the area who conducted clinical trials was the National Institute of Health (NIH). Therefore, it was nice to learn that there are other well-known organizations conducting clinical trials in the area. Johns Hopkins Medicine is “diverse and inclusive, Johns Hopkins Medicine educates medical students, scientists, healthcare professionals, and the public. Conducts biomedical research, and provides patient-centered medicine to prevent, diagnose, and treat human illness” (Matsos, 2019).

    Johns Hopkins Hospital has a center for Nursing Inquiry that is accessible through the main Johns Hopkins Medicine website. The Nursing inquiry center explains in detail the process of evidence-based practice used at Johns Hospkins and provides an “Inquiry tool-kit” for nurses to apply to the process of evidence-based practice. According to Johns Hopkins Hospital “Evidence based practice is a process used to review, analyze and translate the latest scientific evidence. The goal is to quickly incorporate the best available research, along with clinical experience and patient preference into clinical practice so nurses can make informed patient care decisions (Dang et al, 2022). Evidence based practice is the cornerstone of clinical practice. Integrating evidence-based practice into your nursing practice improves quality of care and patient outcomes” (Kelly, 2022). The Johns Hopkins Medicine website also goes into detail about how nurses can get involved in evidence-based practice projects and go through the process of proposing an evidence-based practice project to leadership. Therefore, not only does the hospital incorporate evidence-based practice in their nursing care, but they also encourage nurses to be active members in improving patient care through new evidence-based practice projects.

    I have always viewed Johns Hopkins Medicine as a superior medical organization. After reading on the Johns Hopkins Medicine website about their focus on evidence-based practice, research, and clinical trials I feel even more convinced that Johns Hopkins Medicine is a leading health care organization in the area where I live. The Johns Hopkins Healthcare Organization is dedicated to improving patient outcomes through medical research and evidence-based practice.


    John Hopkins Medicine. (2019, February 8). Johns Hopkins Medicine, based in Baltimore, Maryland. to an external site.

    Kelly, R. (2022). Evidence-Based Practice. www.hopkinsmeicine.orgLinks to an external site.Https:// to an external site.

    Matsos, S. (2019, September 23). About Johns Hopkins Medicine. to an external site.

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionNicole Lea Miller

      Discussion Post Reply #1

      Emily, it was great reading your post. John Hopkins Hospital is a great hospital with high quality of care. I actually used to work for a cardiothoracic surgeon who did his residency there and nothing but good things were said. That doctor does clinical trials for valves in Wichita, Kansas, one of very few that were selected. I believe that John Hopkins is a reputable source of information and is such a big organization that many hospitals look at what John Hopkins Hospital is doing. After researching their website, it honestly was very easy to find if they led with evidence-based practice or not. According to John Hopkins Hospital, they conduct research involving clinical trials in which translate over to patient care at the bedside (2022). John Hopkins also goes into detail about how they are highly ranked in the education department.  According to John Hopkins Hospital, they have an evidence-based model enhanced patient care by critical thinking and making decisions by using resources and tools (n.d.). Again, this was a great resource to research due to the creditability they have and amount of research and education they do provide.


      Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice Model. (2022, November 10).

      Research that Drives Excellence and Discovery. (2022, May 31). John Hopkins Medicine.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionStephanie Ann Blackburn

      Reply 1:  

      Emily, great post, and I have always admired John Hopkins Hospital and the research they have done for their patients. Their mission statement states, “to improve the health of the community and the world by setting the standard of excellence in medical education, research and clinical care.” According to Melnyk et al (2014) evidence-based practice (EBP) improves healthcare quality, reliability, and patient outcomes as well as reduces variations in care and costs, it is still not the standard of care delivered by practicing clinicians across the globe. 


      John Hopkins Medicine. (2022, December 1). About John Hopkins Medicine. to an external site. 

      Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2014). The Establishment of Evidence-Based Practice Competencies for Practicing Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Nurses in Real-World Clinical Settings: Proficiencies to Improve Healthcare Quality, Reliability, Patient Outcomes, and Costs. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing11(1), 5–15. 

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionHeather Marie Sovine


      Thank you for posting about Johns Hopkins. It is a name I hear frequently, but I have not visited their website, and they have a lot of great resources for professionals in our field. There are key competencies the IOM has identified to increase the quality of care in America, including patient-centered care, interprofessional collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and informatics (Boller, 2017). Technology is the competency I often don’t see specifically highlighted on organizations’ websites. Johns Hopkins did a great job creating a page dedicated to how they are using technology to drive patient-centered care and collaboration, with links to specific examples (Johns Hopkins Medicine, n.d.).

      I was also impressed by the Nursing Inquiry Center you mentioned. After reading more about the quadruple aim in healthcare and highlighting the importance of mentoring nurses through the process of research and bringing evidence-based care to the bedside, I appreciate their efforts and resources for nurses outside the organization as well (Sikka, et al., 2015). However, it was difficult for me to find it on their website. I used Google to find their nursing website, including the Inquiry Center, Magnet designation, and nursing professional practice model. I would not have known those existed just by going to their main page if you had not mentioned them.


      Boller, J. (2017). Nurse educators: Leading health care to the quadruple aim sweet spot. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(12), 707–708. doi:10.3928/01484834-20171120-01

      Johns Hopkins Medicine. (n.d.) Technology and Innovation Center. Retrieved December 1, 2022 from to an external site.

      Sikka, R., Morath, J. M., & Leape, L. (2015). The Quadruple Aim: Care, health, cost and meaning in work. BMJ Quality & Safety, 24, 608–610. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2015-004160

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionTiffany Zurcher

      Module 1 Discussion Reply #2

      Hello Emily,

           Thank you for your informative, well-written post regarding Johns Hopkins Medicine. I have consistently ranked Johns Hopkins alongside Mayo

      Clinic, the number one hospital in the nation. It was interesting reviewing their website and learning more details about how they focus on

      evidence-based practice (EBP) when providing care to their patients. They provided several examples of how they implement evidence-based

      practice at their facility and have a website designated mainly to EBP. One example is preventing 30-day readmission for heart failure patients.

      Several research studies were discussed and used when implementing this EBP (Vera, 2022).

           Nurses are frontline caregivers and can provide high-quality care using EBP. When nurses have the resources and experience and implement

      EBP, care is positively affected (Crabtree et al., 2016). One study said it is essential for registered nurses (RNs) to receive ongoing education and

      mentorship so that they will be able to translate research that supports inpatient care outcomes and provide evidence-based care. This study’s

      findings showed that all nurses need mentoring and coaching to sustain and implement EBP (Friesen et al., 2017). Thank you again, Emily, for

      your discussion post on this topic. I enjoyed researching Johns Hopkins and found an abundance of quality information.


           Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving patient care through nursing engagement in evidence-based practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing13(2), 172–175. to an external site.

           Friesen, M., Brady, J. M., Milligan, R., & Christensen, P. (2017). Findings from a pilot study: Bringing evidence-based practice to the bedside. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing14(1), 22–34. to an external site.

           Vera, D. (2022, March 11). Evidence-based practice exemplars. John hopkins medicine. to an external site.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionRaymond Mwanje

      RESPONSE 2:

      Great post Emily! John Hopkins Medicine educates medical students, the public, health care professionals, and scientists,  conducts medical research, and provides patient-centered medicine to diagnose,  treat, and prevent human diseases. The work of John Hopkins is grounded on evidence-based practice. According to Taylor et al. (2022), EBP aims to assuring a high quality of care through the utilization of evidence to promote optimal outcomes and create a culture of ongoing learning, critical learning, and a spirit of inquiry for making clinical decisions.

      John Hopkins developed the John Hopkins Nursing EBP Model (JHNEBP)   due to the recognition that nurses have a responsibility to be apprehensive that they are attaining the best patient care from their nursing interventions and that these interventions, policies, and interventions, are based on the best practices and scientific evidence.  According to Gross (2019), the JHNEBP has driven the practice of nursing across all specialties at John Hopkins medical institutions for the past fifteen years. The JHNEBP describes EBP as a problem-solving approach to making clinical decisions within a health care organization that incorporates the best available experiential( practitioner and patient) evidence with the best scientific evidence, considers external and internal influences on practice, and endorses critical thinking in the astute application of these evidence to the care of the patient population, patient or system.

      The JHNEBP is a powerful approach to solving problems in the making of clinical decisions and is accompanied by user-friendly tools for guiding group or individual use.  Taylor et al. (2022) posit that the JHNEBP model is specifically designed to meet the practicing nurse’s need and utilizes a 3-step process known as PET (practice question, evidence, and translation). The model aims at ensuring that best practices and the latest research findings are appropriately and quickly incorporated into patient care.


       Gross, K. A. (2019). Advanced Practice and Leadership in Radiology Nursing. Springer Nature.

      Taylor, C. R., Lynn, P., & Bartlett, J. (2022). Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Person-Centered Care. Wolter Kluwer Health.


       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionErin Lynne Whitehorne

      John Hopkins Medicine

      Emily, John Hopkins Medicine is a renowned medical center well-known by all. When looking at their website, I was in awe of the volume of patients they treat and the innovations they are a part of. Their “about” page states that they have award-winning doctors teaching their medical students, performing biomedical research, and providing patient-centered care (John Hopkins Medicine, 2022). These three facets align with the components of evidence-based practice (EBP) explained by Melynk & Fineout-Overholt (2018). The link between the definition of evidence-based practice and John Hopkins’ values are as follows:

      1. EBP requires searching and critically appraising research (Melynk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). John Hopkins performs its own research, providing the system with abundant information and knowledge to guide further practices (John Hopkins Medicine, 2022). The system performs observational studies and clinical trials (John Hopkins Medicine, 2022).
      2. EBP utilizes personal experiences to guide patient care (Melynk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). This internal evidence is gained from the expertise working in the field, and Johns Hopkins medical students are taught by experts with years of internal evidence to guide their teaching and recommendations (John Hopkins Medicine, 2022).
      3. EBP ensures that patient and family preferences are considered (Melynk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). John Hopkins Medicine states that they provide patient-centered care in their treatment (John Hopkins Medicine, 2022).

      John Hopkins Medicine did not make it challenging to find proof that they are rooted in evidence-based practice. I also appreciate that they involve their clinical staff in research to ensure patients receive the best care from all sources.



      John Hopkins Medicine. (2022, February 16). About Johns Hopkins Medicine. to an external site.


      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Health. to an external site.

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionGina Gordenier

    Discussion week 1: Evidence Based Practice and The Society for Vascular Nursing

    “Evidence-based practice enhances healthcare quality, improves patient outcomes, reduces costs, and empowers clinicians” (Bodenheimer & Sinsky, 2014; Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2015; Tucker, 2014., p7.). As nurses, it is our professional responsibility to our patients to provide evidence-based care whenever possible. As a nurse in the vascular world, I belong to the Society for Vascular Nursing. The Society for Vascular Nursing (SVN) is a professional organization that supports career development, networking opportunities, and many clinical resources for providing care to patients with vascular disease. The SVN endorses evidence-based practice in its mission statement for new members. “The Society for Vascular Nursing (SVN) was established in 1982. The SVN provides its members with quality educational opportunities, collaborative relationships that foster clinical experience, and promotes research and evidence-based practices” (Society for Vascular Nursing, n.d.). The SVN is an organization that is open to all nurses who currently practice or are interested in vascular patient care. The organization does have a 150-dollar annual fee required with membership. The organization has an area titled research corner. Under this tab, you can find the top 18 nursing vascular research priorities, multiple research links, and a link to Duke University for Evidence-Based Medicine research. The SVN and the Society of Vascular Surgeons host an annual conference. I attend this conference annually with my surgeons. During the 3-day event, many nurse practitioners and surgeons discuss new healthcare approaches or surgical techniques they use. During this event, evidence-based practice is commonly used to show why specific new methods in vascular patient care result in positive or negative patient outcomes.

    The information provided on the SVN website validates the organization’s commitment to providing evidence-based care. The website provides access to subscribe to the Journal of Vascular Nursing, published quarterly for the SVN, along with the Core Curriculum for Vascular Nursing textbook. This evidence-based textbook is an excellent resource for vascular patient care (Society for Vascular Nursing, n.d.). The Society for Vascular Nursing is an excellent evidence-based resource for those working in or planning to work with the vascular patient population. I have learned so much at the annual conferences each year and plan to continue utilizing their website and conference to continue providing evidence-based care to my patients. “Evidence-based practice is crucial to provide patients with the care they deserve” (Walden University, LLC, 2018).



    Melnyk, B.M., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2018). Making the Case for Evidence-Based Practice and Cultivating a Spirit of Inquiry. In Melnyk and Fineout-Overhold, Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

    Society For Vascular Nursing. (n.d.). Members. Retrieved on November 28, 2022, from to an external site.

    Society For Vascular Nursing. (n.d.). Publications. Retrieved on November 28, 2022, from to an external site.

    Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2018). Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice and Research [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionEmily Grigsby

      Gina, I reviewed the website for the society for vascular nurses and the site is very impressive. It is clear that the society for vascular nurses is a well-established nursing organization. When reading about their research initiatives it is clear that their goal is to provide education through evidence-based research. The organization identified 18 research priorities. I also noticed when reading through the organization’s website that they provide patient education materials. I can imaging this would be a great resource for vascular nurses when providing patients with educational materials.

      Research Corner (n.d). Society for Vascular Nursing. Retrieved November 29.2022, from to an external site.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionTelove George

      Response #2:

      I enjoyed reading your post. I wasn’t familiar with this organization before, so it was very interesting to learn about the Society of Vascular Nursing. I was able to identify “clinical practice guidelines have become a standard tool in the attempt to increase the quality of care” (Burns & Grove, 2011).  SVN developed guidelines based on evidence-based practice (EBP), as stated in their vision and mission statement and this organization plays a vital role in the multidisciplinary vascular specialty arena.  An example of this collaboration work is evidenced in SVN’s endorsement of the ACC/AHA 2005 Practice Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease (Baas, 2010).  The goals of EBP “are to improve the results of professional decisions and to increase the use of practices that lead to desired outcomes while eliminating dysfunctional practices” (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011).  Continuously, developing medical guideline based on EBP will be able to achieve these goals.



      Baas, L. (2010). Nursing review and resource manual: Cardiac vascular nursing (3rd ed.).

      Silver Spring, MD: ANCC’s Institute for Credentialing Innovation.

      Burns, N., & Grove, S. (2011). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based

      practice (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.

      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2011). Evidence-based practice in nursing &

      healthcare: A guide to best practice (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams &



       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionAugusta Phillips


      I never knew there was a society for vascular nursing. The website is informative and gives a lot of insight into what society does and how they teach evidence-based methods. This society can significantly improve the nursing care of vascular patients. Evidence-based practice is now better understood as a complex system of legitimation that designates particular methods, and by extension, their practitioners are evidence-based (Carr, E. S., & Obertino-Norwood, H. 2022). Utilizing these resources will improve your knowledge base and help you be a well-informed nurse practitioner.

      Being a part of these societies can help healthcare professionals care for patients the best way possible. Evidence-Based Practice is a process that allows patients, health professionals, researchers, and/or policymakers to make informed health decisions in a given context based on an integration of the best available evidence, with clinical expertise and patient values and preferences (Howard, B et al. 2022). This practice is beneficial to all patients and healthcare systems.



      Carr, E. S., & Obertino-Norwood, H. (2022). Legitimizing evidence: The trans-institutional life of evidence-based practice. Social Science & Medicine310, 1–9. to an external site.

      Howard, B., Diug, B., & Ilic, D. (2022). Methods of teaching evidence-based practice: a systematic review. BMC Medical Education22(1), 742. to an external site.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionShayquille Moore

      Hello Gina

      Great response, At the start of your post, you made a very impactful statement. You expressed that Evidence-based practice improves Patient outcomes as healthcare professionals, and that should always be our primary focus. Helping our patients to reach their optimal level of health helps everything else fall in line. As you expressed, Evidence-based practice also helps cut down on healthcare costs and empowers clinicians as we are a trusted profession. This means we should always utilize data to help protect us when we practice. You also discussed the society of vascular nursing, an organization I had never heard of. Due to your post, I visited the website and realized that this organization heavily uses EBP. The first resource I saw discussed IR resources, which expressed, “SIR recognizes that the success of our mission draws strength not just from the clinical expertise of our physicians, but from the diversity of their backgrounds and experiences as human beings in the world. An innovative, competitive IR workforce requires more than market competency” resources and data were backing this. The data was also easily accessible. Great resource. Thank you for your post.


      Research corner. SVN. (n.d.). Retrieved December 3, 2022, from

      Society of Interventional Radiology – Society of Interventional Radiology. (n.d.). Retrieved December 3, 2022, from


       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionVivian Nwana

      Hi Gina,

      Great post. To add to your discussion,  I was a past member of the NAON  also. In identifying opportunities for further education in the field of orthopedic nursing, the NAON is a pioneer. The NAON investigates crucial healthcare issues that are intimately tied to orthopedic nursing and have an immediate effect on orthopedic patients. In keeping with its stated objective, the NAON emphasizes the importance of evidence-based practice and how to apply it to improve patient care. The NAON promoted EBP through research. Evidence-based practice (EBP) improves patient outcomes, reduces healthcare costs, and increases practitioners’ self-assurance while also raising the bar for nursing care (Ellis, 2019). The quality of healthcare delivery will improve as a result of evidence-based practice. These four benefits of EBP are referred to as the “quadruple aim” in healthcare. Hospitals and other medical systems in the US work to improve patient treatment safety by attaining the triple objective in healthcare (Cullen et al., 2020).


      Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Farrington, M., Anderson, R., Dimmer, E., Miner, R., … & Rod, E. (2020). Evidence-based practice change champion program improves quality care. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration50(3), 128-134. to an external site.

      Ellis, P. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing. Learning Matters. Ellis, P. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing. Learning Matters. to an external site.

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionJennifer Zambrano

    Healthcare Organization

    Evidence-based practice (EBP) provides evidence to address a clinical problem and research that will promote positive outcomes (Walden University, 2018). Evidence base practice is used widely throughout the healthcare industry, and EBP is the standard of care today (Walden University, 2018). The healthcare organization that was viewed for this discussion is the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The mission of the NIH, as stated, “is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability” (National Institutes of Health [NIH], 2014, section 1). The goal of the NIH is to help promote and provide evidence base practice by researching and discovering preventions of diseases, providing diagnoses, and encouraging scientific integrity to improve the nation’s health (NIH, 2014).

    Grounded Healthcare Organization

    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is grounded in EBP and bases its findings on scientific research. As the NIH (2014) mentioned, the organization is the largest public funder in biomedical research, with over 30 billion dollars contributed to the investigation in clinical trials (NIH, 2014). The NIH organization provides data on research that has been studied and gives statistics supporting evidence conducted over time by scientifically improving and detecting poor outcomes of research (NIH, 2014). One of the most recent findings is that of the Covid-19 virus; the NIH has conducted clinical trials on vaccines, the various strains of Covid-19, and the long-term effects Covid-19 may have on a person (NIH, 2014). Before conducting clinical trials, trials must be reviewed by the Institutional Review Board [IRB] (NIH, 2014). The NIH supports its data with continuous evidence conducted by the Intramural Research Program (IRP), known for advancing biomedical knowledge (NIH, 2014). This IRP is a federal lab funded by the NIH. It provides world-renowned scientists, many of whom have won Nobel prizes, including Harvey J Alter, with the discovery of the hepatitis C virus (NIH, 2014).

    Perception of the National Institutes of Health

    The findings on the NIH website have enlightened me on the discoveries that the healthcare organization has contributed to in the United States. The NIH has broadened my view on how well the organization dedicates its time and money to provide the best possible research. The NIH offers EBP for preventing diseases and healthcare issues with the findings of new methods to prevent healthcare crises (NIH, 2014). As mentioned by Melnyk et al. (2010), evidence base practice improves the quality of care for patients and overall satisfaction and outcomes, leading to decreased healthcare spending. I have learned that the NIH provides various resources and research leading to discoveries in medications, vaccines, and the overall quality of health.



    Melnyk, B., Fineout-Overholt, E., Stillwell, S. B., & Williamson, K. M. (2010). Evidence-based practice: Step by step: The seven steps of evidence-based practice.     AJN, American Journal of Nursing110(1), 51–53. Retrieved November 26, 2022, from to an external site.

    National Institutes of Health. (2014, October 31). Mission and goals. National Institutes of Health (NIH). Retrieved November 28, 2022, from      to an external site.

    Walden University. (2018). Introduction to evidence base practice and research       resources?module_item_id=470352

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionChinwe U Okpara

      Hello Jennifer,

      Your post is very informative. Before sticking with the American Association for Respiratory Care, I reviewed The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) website. The information I found on the site was exciting, and the mission of creating evidence to provide safe, easily accessible, affordable, and justifiable care (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2019), proves that the site is greatly influenced by evidence-based practice. This organization has many initiatives to increase safety within the healthcare system steadily. One initiative of the AHRQ is the Re-Engineered Discharge (RED) program. This program was created to reduce hospital readmission rates by implementing tools in their discharge process. Implementing this program has decreased hospital readmission and emergency department visits by 30 percent (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2018). Another initiative part of the AHRQ is the Project Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (Project ECHO), which was formed mainly to support rural communities. This program’s goal was to support the delivery of specialized care for patients by healthcare providers (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2018).

      This healthcare organization uses research and evidence to improve nurses’ and physicians’ quality of care.


      Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2019). Mission and budget. Retrieved from: to an external site..

      Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2018). What is the agency for healthcare

      research and quality? Retrieved from: to an external site..

       Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionJennifer Zambrano

        Hello Chinwe!

        Thank you for taking an interest in my post; I appreciate your input. Evidence base practice is essential in all workflow, and to achieve the best quality of care for our patients, EBP must be used (Arnetz et al., 2020). The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ](n.d.) mentions that Err is human. From this collection of errors that healthcare providers have made, researchers were able to create the best evidence base practices, preventing 1.3 million errors and saving millions of lives (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ], n.d.). This is a great research organization. Thank you



        Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.). What are the AHRQ areas of focus? Retrieved December 3, 2022, from to an external site.

        Arnetz, B. B., Goetz, C. M., Arnetz, J. E., Sudan, S., vanSchagen, J., Piersma, K., & Reyelts, F. (2020). Enhancing healthcare efficiency to achieve the quadruple aim: An exploratory study. BMC Research Notes13(1). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from to an external site.

         Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionNicole Lea Miller

      Discussion Post Reply #2

      Jennifer, thank you for your well thought out post. Evidence-based practice is used in healthcare workers daily work environment and often times not even knowing.  Healthcare workers execute patient care and give education regularly that is affected by up-to-date research and education provided by evidence. After barely looking into the website, it was very evident that the National Institute of Health (NIH) has extraordinary information on research they have conducted along with all of the articles that have been posted. According to the NIH website, the NIH has a response in terms of research for COVID 19 in which return is helping with vaccines, treatments, and medical testing (n.d.). This is just one example of the evidence-based research that this organization take part in to help provide better care. According to Stevens, “EBP is aimed at hardwiring current knowledge into common care decisions to improve care processes and patient outcomes” (2013).  Like you mentioned in your original post, this organization has shown me how involved they are with financial backing and research to better our healthcare system and improve quality care.


      NIH’s COVID-19 Response. (n.d.). National Institute of Health (NIH). Retrieved November 29, 2022, from

      Stevens, K. (2013). The Impact of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and the Next Big Ideas. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing18(2).

       Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionJennifer Zambrano

              Thank you, Nicole, for your input; evidence-based practice is essential in healthcare. We use EBP, as you mentioned, in everyday routine, whether it’s infection control, monitoring patient satisfaction scores, or improving from survey questionnaires to providing best practices at the bedside. The NIH was designed to provide research and funding to scientists to come up with the best data for improving overall population health (National Institutes of Health [NIH], 2014).

        Arnetz et al. (2020) mention the quadruple aim when providing efficient evidence-based practices and healthcare satisfaction at the workplace. With job satisfaction, nurses and physicians can perform best by delivering best practices (Arnetz et al., 2020). With the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers burned out, but organizations such as the NIH helped fund Covid-19 vaccines to decrease the number of transmission cases (National Institutes of Health [NIH], 2014).



        Arnetz, B. B., Goetz, C. M., Arnetz, J. E., Sudan, S., vanSchagen, J., Piersma, K., & Reyelts, F. (2020). Enhancing healthcare efficiency to achieve the quadruple aim: An exploratory study. BMC Research Notes13(1). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from

        National Institutes of Health. (2014, October 31). Mission and goals. National Institutes of Health (NIH). Retrieved November 28, 2022, from     

         Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionRaymond Mwanje

      REPSPONSE 1:

      The work of the National Institute of Health (NIH)  is the United States medical research agency that supports scientific studies that turn scientific discovery into health. The work of NIH is grounded on evidence-based practice.  The NIH supports dissemination and implementation  (D& I) research on the way evidence-based policies, interventions, and practices are successfully translated and utilized in real-world settings like communities, schools, and hospitals.    Dissemination and implementation models, theories, and frameworks offer researchers a systematic scheme of understanding, using, and evaluating evidence-based inventions in particular settings (NIH, 2022).

      The NIH offered D& I research funding for the last several years to close the gap between research discovery and policy and program delivery. According to Brownson et al. (2017), in 2005, the NIH launched a trans-NIH funding opportunity focused on D& I research. As of 2016, NIH had funded 182 R&I grants, with 66 of these projects being funded in public health and community settings.  Topics addressed in the research projects include physical activity and nutrition, substance and alcohol abuse, tobacco control, cancer screenings, mental health, STIs/HIV, diabetes, palliative care, flu vaccinations, chronic back pain, bone health, and autism.

      Apart from funding research, NIH   promotes research and EBP  through the Training Institute for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (TIDIRH). The NIH developed the TIDIRH to assist in building capacity for the dissemination and implementation of research. Offered yearly, TIDIRH offers participants a comprehensive grounding in performing dissemination and implementation research in health across all fields of health and health care (NIH, 2022).

      The NIH also have evidence-based campaigns that can use as models to assist the general public and health care practitioners and professionals to make informed decisions about their health and patients’ health.  These campaigns include but are not limited to  Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and stroke, diabetes, kidney disease, nutrition, physical activity and obesity,  lung disease, and substance abuse(NIH, 2022).


      Brownson, R. C., Colditz, G. A., & Proctor, E. K.  (2017). Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health: Translating Science to Practice. Oxford University Press.

      National Institute of Health. (2022). Dissemination & Implementation (R&I) Research.

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionStephanie Ann Blackburn

    Week 1 discussion: Evidence based Practice at Labette health 

         I reviewed the Labette health website. The mission states “We are dedicated to providing exceptional healthcare—centered around you” (Labette Health, 2022).  The vision statement is “to enhance the overall health of our communities” (Labette Health, 2022). The website does have a health care need assessment for southeast Kansas counties.  Labette Health is our local community hospital that serves our local county and surrounding communities as well.   The hospital doesn’t perform any clinical trials or research as far as medicine, but they have done a Community Health needs assessment to examine the community needs to better improve the health of the community.  I didn’t realize that as a not-for-profit organization with the Affordable care act they are required to do a community health needs assessment every 3 years.  Using the assessment, they are focusing on evidence-based needs.  According to Rosenbaum, (2013) evidence-based needs assessment and prioritization, making evidence-based community health investments, reviewing and calculating improvement, enhancing quality, transparency and community engagement.  The focus of Labette health is on the community voice, it is framed by the community’s perception of needs (Labette Health, 2022). Increased focus on evidence-based public health (EBPH) has several direct and indirect benefits, including access to improved quality information on what works, a higher possibility of successful programs and policies being initiated, greater workforce productivity, and more efficient use of public and private resources (Brownson, 2009). 

         I have always valued our local community hospitals as there are communities that no longer have a local hospital or emergency department, so they are having to travel 30-45 minutes to seek treatment and when you are having a true emergency time is of the essence.  I truly believe that Labette Health is trying to improve the health of our community using the data that they collect from the health assessment.  The hospital has expanded their clinics and brought on specialist so that patients don’t have to travel to larger towns to see then such as Neurosurgeon, Endocrinologist, Pulmonology, and ENT’s. According to Melnyk, & Fineout-Overhold, (2018) Evidence-based practice enhances healthcare quality, improves patient outcomes, reduces costs, and empowers clinicians. The assessment is giving our local hospital vital information to help them gain the knowledge as to what our community is lacking and where it can continue to help. 


    Brownson, R. C., Fielding, J. E., & Maylahn, C. M. (2009). Evidence-based public health: a fundamental concept for public health practice. Annual review of public health30(1), 175-201. 

    Labette Health. (2022, November 28) Labette health About Us. to an external site. 

    Melnyk, B.M., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2018). Making the Case for Evidence-Based Practice and Cultivating a Spirit of Inquiry. In Melnyk and Fineout-Overhold, Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer. 

    Rosenbaum, S. J. (2013). Principles to consider for the implementation of a community health needs assessment process. 


     Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionTiffany Zurcher

    Evidence Based Practice WK 1


    Healthcare Organization and Appearance of Evidence-Based Practice 

    Enhanced quality of care, improved patient outcomes, reduced costs, and clinician empowerment are all benefits of evidence-based practice (EBP) (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). The Veterans Administration (VA) is a healthcare organization that bases its care and clinical practice guidelines (CPG) on EBP. One example of a CPG is managing low back pain in primary care. Every day clinical decisions happen and are influenced by EBP. The main goal of utilizing the CPGs is to improve and provide veterans with the highest quality of care. Another important reason for following the guidelines is that they can minimize potential harm to veterans (Meroni et al., 2019).

    VA Usage of Evidence Base Practice

    The VA highlights its health services research and development program and focuses on the whole health, and what matters for each veteran. They strive to turn evidence into practice and use it when making decisions regarding the veteran’s needs and care. Evidence is gathered and collected from systematic research, clinical expertise, and patient preferences and values. One example deals with the integration of primary care and mental health. Various studies from VA and non-VA investigators showed that integrating mental health into primary care is vital resulting in the patient-centered medical home known as the patient-aligned care team (PACT) (United States Department of Veterans Affairs, 2018).

     Perception of the Healthcare Organization (VA)

    EBP is essential to the VA’s commitment to providing high-quality, patient-centered care. Interestingly, the VA/DOD has an evidence-based practice guideline working group. Facilitation, adoption, development, and implementation of the EBP guidelines and making recommendations for further areas of research topics that may be needed are duties for members of the group. The group also uses medical informatics to support making decisions at the clinical level (United States Department of Veterans Affairs, n.d.). My perception has stayed the same with the VA. As an upcoming advanced practioner, it is informative to know that the VA bases their care on EBP and my goal is to provide the highest quality of care to my patients.






    Melnyk, B., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (, Ed.; 4th ed.). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.


    Meroni, R., Piscitelli, D., Ravasio, C., Vanti, C., Bertozzi, L., De Vito, G., Perin, C., Guccione, A. A., Cerri, C. G., & Pillastrini, P. (2019). Evidence for managing chronic low back pain in primary care: A review of recommendations from high-quality clinical practice guidelines. Disability and Rehabilitation, 43(7), 1029–1043.


    United States Department of Veterans Affairs. (n.d.). VA/DoD clinical practice guidelines. United states department of veterans affairs.


    United States Department of Veterans Affairs. (2018, July). Spotlight on evidence-based practice (ebp). Health services research and development.

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionCherie Clemmons


      Great post Tiffany with lots of useful information. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (n.d.) the Office of Research and

      Development offers a wide range of evidenced-based approaches for treating mental health disorders. Some of areas of research involve mood

      disorders, PTSD, and substance abuse (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs n.d.) The overall goal of these evidenced-based research approaches

      is to improve understanding and treatments of the various mental health disorders.

      The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (n.d.) site lists over 27 different topics of research that informs VA clinical guidelines.  This research

      information is shared all over the VA health system as well as larger outside organizations.  According to Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold (2019)

      step 6 of 7 steps of Evidenced-based practice is the dissemination of outcomes. Without the sharing of evidenced-based information,

      healthcare population does not benefit from the evidence (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold, 2019)


      Melnyk, B., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare: A guide to

      best practice. Wolters Kluwer

      U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (n.d.). Office of Research & Development. Retrieved on November

      29, 2022 from to an external site.


       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionSerena La?Ta Bibbs

      Week 1: Response 1

      Hello Tiffany,

      Great informative post! I have always been interested in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) organization. It is very pleasing to learn that the VA organization has an Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Field Advisory Committee. This committee consists of administrative nurses and healthcare professionals from all over the country. These members help facilitate the implementation of EBP throughout VHA facilities across the network (U.S.Department of Veterans Affairs, 2015). After exploring through the tabs on the VA’s webpage, I was able to discover the different resources available for healthcare workers and veterans of this organization. The VA’s mission statement, vision, and core values all exemplifies evidence-based practice. They provide a health index with different health and mental health topics for veterans and their caregivers. Evidence-based practice is critical for providing patients the care that they deserve (Walden University, 2018). When providers deliver EBP in a context of caring and in a supportive organizational culture, the highest quality of care and best patient outcomes can be achieved (Melnyk et al. 2010). The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is certainly grounded in evidence-based practice.


      Melnyk, B. M. , Fineout-Overholt, E. , Stillwell, S. B. & Williamson, K. M. (2010). Evidence-Based Practice: Step by Step: The Seven Steps of Evidence-Based Practice. AJN, American Journal of Nursing, 110 (1), 51-53. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000366056.06605.d2.

      Office of Nursing Services (ONS). U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs . (2015, August 5). Retrieved from

      Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2018). Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice 

      and Research [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionLaquita Carrington



      Clinicians want to give their patients the best possible care. To do this, they need to keep up to date with the evolving body of scientific research and combine this scientific knowledge with their own clinical experience and each individual patient’s circumstances and preferences. This is evidence-based practice (Turner et al., 2008).  The VAEvidence-based therapies (EBTs) have been shown to improve a variety of mental health conditions and overall well-being. These treatments are tailored to each Veteran’s needs, priorities, values, preferences, and goals for therapy. EBP allows for healthcare workers to improve the quality of care and enhance time management for patient outcomes (Veterans Affairs 2015).  To have EBP to work we must be held accountable of creating and implementing change. As the world evolves, we should also crate change, traditional healthcare created an map for us to follow but embracing EBP will allow for Thanks for your post.



      Turner, T., Misso, M., Harris, C., & Green, S. (2008, October 27). Development of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (cpgs): Comparing approaches. Implementation science : IS. Retrieved December 4, 2022, from to an external site.

      Veterans Affairs. Go to (2015, August 5). Retrieved December 4, 2022, from



       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionVivian Nwana

      Hi Tiffany,

      In addition to the above discussion, EBP is described as “the conscious, explicit, and prudent use of current best evidence in making decisions regarding the individual patient’s care.” In addition to clinical knowledge, it also incorporates patient values and preferences along with evidence from systematic research. Evidence-based practice in HSR&D enables professionals to integrate clinical recommendations, research, and high-quality patient-based results to healthcare delivery, enhancing the healthcare experiences and health outcomes for Veterans. Up to 50% of patients who are Veterans receiving treatment through the VA healthcare system have chronic pain, which significantly lowers quality of life for those who are ill. Veterans’ primary care staff at the VA report feeling overworked, under-resourced, and generally unprepared to handle their requirements (Horntvedt et al., 2018). This may result in poor- and occasionally unsafe-quality pain management. A rising amount of scientific evidence and expert opinion support multi-modal pain management to enhance function and quality of life while also lowering morbidity and death among people with chronic pain.


      Cutilli, C. C. (2020). Excellence in patient education: Evidence-based education that “sticks” and improves patient outcomes. Nursing Clinics55(2), 267-282. to an external site.

      Horntvedt, M. E. T., Nordsteien, A., Fermann, T., & Severinsson, E. (2018). Strategies for teaching evidence-based practice in nursing education: a thematic literature review. BMC medical education18(1), 1-11. to an external site.

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionRaymond Mwanje

    Where in the World Is Evidence-Based Practice?

    The healthcare organization website I have reviewed is the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. AHRQ is a federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services tasked with improving the quality and safety of America’s healthcare system.  Evidence Base Practice (EBP) appears in the mission of the AHRQ.  The mission of AHRQ is to produce evidence to make healthcare affordable, equitable, higher quality, more accessible, and safer with the United States Department of Health and Human Services and with other associates to ensure that evidence is understood and utilized (AHRQ, 2022).

    The work of AHRQ is grounded on EBP.  Fiordalisi et al. (2019) posit that AHQR is devoted to building bridges between research and evidence along with working with health systems to enable them to implement research into practice by disseminating and implementing evidence. Also, AHQR is devoted to speeding up the dissemination of best practices based on evidence across learning systems and to assisting health systems to become learning systems. For example, The AHRQ established the Evidence-Based Practice Center (program) in 1997 to help learning health systems to better translate high-quality evidence into practice. Borsky et al. (2019), emphasize that the recognition that numerous healthcare systems continue facing challenges in implementing and disseminating evidence into practice, the AHRQ program embarked on initiatives to aid the translation of evidence into practice and also to monitor and measure how changes in practice impact health outcomes.

    The information I discovered on the AHRQ website changed my perception of the healthcare organization. At first, I thought AHRQ is a regulatory authority that sets standards for scientific research. I have understood that   AHR is devoted to EBP and its core competencies are health systems research, data and analytics, and practice improvement.  Brach and Borsky (2020) indicate that AHQR is not a payer for health care nor is it a regulatory authority but the agency endeavors to improve patients’ lives through practice improvement, s health services research, and data analytics.  The work of AHRQ targets health systems and clinics to assist them to possess the best evidence along with tools for improving care delivery.



    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2022). About AHRQ. to an external site.

    Brach, C., & Borsky, A. (2020). How the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Promotes Health Literate Health Care. Studies in Health Technology and   Informatics,  269, 313-323. doi: 10.3233/SHTI200046Links to an external site.

    Borsky, A. E., Flores, E. ., Berliner, E., Change, C., Umscheid, C. A., & Change. S. M. (2019). Next Steps in Improving Healthcare Value: AHRQ Evidence-based Practice Center Program—Applying the Knowledge to Practice to Data Cycle to Strengthen the Value of Patient Care. Journal of Hospital Medicine, 14(5), 311-314. doi: 10.12788/jhm.3157Links to an external site.

    Fiordalisi, C., & Borsky, A., Chang, S., & Guise, J. (2019). AHRQ EPC Series on Improving Translation of Evidence into Practice for the Learning Health System: Introduction. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 45 (8), 558–56. doi: 10.1016/j.jcjq.2019.05.006.

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionSerena La?Ta Bibbs

      Week 1: Response 2


      Evidence-based practice (EBP) strategies allow nurse practitioners (NPs) and other health care providers to translate research findings into clinical practice. (Melnyk,2018). After visiting the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) website I agree that it is grounded in evidence-based practice. While exploring the website, I was able to type “evidence-based practice” in the search engine. I then discovered the EvidenceNOW Model in which the organization utilizes. The AHRQ EvidenceNOW Model is a blueprint for delivering external support to primary care practices to improve healthcare quality and implement new evidence into care delivery (AHRQ,n.d.) Within this model, AHRQ launches different health care projects that focus on improved quality care and outcomes. In recent decades, primary care practices have been hampered by fragmentation of the healthcare system, a lack of resources to meet patient needs, and limited access to an infrastructure to support quality improvement. AHRQ developed EvidenceNOW to help them meet these challenges (AHRQ, n.d.). Research has shown that when providers deliver evidence-based care, patient outcomes are markedly improved (Melnyk, 2018). Thanks for your informative post.


      The EvidenceNOW model: Providing external support for primary care. Agency for

      Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). (n.d.). Retrieved from to an external site.


      Melnyk, B. M. (2018, October 26). Why choose evidence-based practice? American

      Association of Nurse Practitioners. Retrieved from to an external site.

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionCherie Clemmons

    Main Question Post-

    “The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is America’s largest integrated health care system” (U.S Department of Veterans Affairs, n.d.).

    Evidence-based practice is widely used within VHA.  The Health Services Research and Development page of the website speaks to how VHA

    providers apply clinical guidelines and research results to care for United States veterans (U.S Department of Veterans Affairs, n.d.).  Two programs that

    utilize evidenced-based practice within VHA are the Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) and The Evidenced-Based Synthesis Program


    According to VHA (n.d.) VHA research reports and information have been published in top medical journals, and made available to clinicians

    worldwide.   The sharing of evidenced-based practices benefits patients, providers, healthcare organizations and the healthcare industry as a whole.

    The information discovered on the website has changed my perception of the VHA. I currently work at one of the 1,298 health care facilities that

    are within the VHA healthcare system. I am aware of the many different programs that are based on evidenced based practice however I was not aware

    that much of the VHA research information has been shared and used to direct clinical guidelines of large healthcare organizations (VHA, n.d.). I am

    aware that Washington DC VA Medical Center nurse leaders conduct monthly evidenced-based practice meetings. At these meetings, research

    findings are reviewed and evidenced-based treatments are implemented into clinical practice.  Melnyk & Fineout (2019) states for positive change

    efforts, there must be a culture that promotes evidenced-based practice.  In my opinion, VHA is supportive of research and the implementation of

    evidenced-based practices.


    Melnyk, B., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare: A guide to

    best practice. Wolters Kluwer

    US Department of Veterans Affairs (n.d.). Veterans Health Administration. Retrieved on November 28,

    2022 from to an external site.

    US Department of Veterans Affairs (n.d.). Health Services Research and Development (July 2018).

    Retrieved on November 28, 2022 from to an external site.

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionYun Ju Shin


      I enjoyed reading your discussion post. Further, after reviewing the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website (2022), I also identified that the organization runs the Evidence-Based Synthesis Program (ESP) which supports veteran care through evidence-based practice. ESP is under the Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) umbrella which seeks to translate research findings and evidence into clinical practice. Further, it also optimizes the effects of research findings through bi-directional partnerships and also promotes the application of research into practice and care for the elderly. VA also maintains the RN Transition-to-Practice (RNTTP)/Residency Programs in which post graduate registered nurses are hired to enhance their application of evidence-based practice.



      U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. (2022). Spotlight on Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. to an external site.

      U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. (2022, September 27). Office of Nursing Services (ONS). U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. to an external site.




       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionJennifer Zambrano

      Reply post 1

      Excellent discussion post Cherie,  I do not know much about the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), but your post gave me great insight. While reading about the VHA, I also discovered the benefits one can receive while signing up; health insurance,  college, obtaining a home, and career options (US Department of Veterans Affairs, 2021). It was mentioned by O’Hanlon et al.(2016) that the quality and effectiveness of medical care provided by the Veterans Affairs (VA) were still unfavored for the veterans, while this researcher performed a systemic review of the quality of care from various VA facilities (O’Hanlon et al., 2016). This research study was conducted to provide evidence-based practice regarding the care of VA hospitals versus non-VA hospitals (O’Hanlon et al., 2016).

      Mental health is also a topic of interest when referring to veterans; the VA provides Evidence Base Therapy (EBT) that prioritizes the veteran’s mental needs and provides quality care tailored to each veteran (US Department of Veterans Affairs, n.d.).

      Overall, the US Department of Veterans Affairs provides the necessary evidence for healthcare providers to assist appropriately in diagnosing and managing veterans’ health needs.

      Thank you


      O’Hanlon, C., Huang, C., Sloss, E., Anhang Price, R., Hussey, P., Farmer, C., & Gidengil, C. (2016). Comparing va and non-va quality of care: A systematic review. Journal of General Internal Medicine32(1), 105–121. Retrieved December 1, 2022, from to an external site.

      US Department of Veterans Affairs. (n.d.). Evidence base therapy. to an external site.

      US Department of Veterans Affairs. (2021). ChooseVA. ChooseVA. Retrieved December 1, 2022, from to an external site.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionMiranda Nicole Torres

      Cherie, your post intrigued me very much since you mentioned veterans. I have been looking into working at a veterans hospital because my dad has always told me great things they offer and do compared to other facilities in my area. Now when you mentioned about the programs they have that used evidenced based practice that seems very interesting to me that they follow up with meetings. According to the U.S Dept of Veterans Affairs, they have a behavioral therapy that is shown to relieve depression and increase healthy behaviors and positive experiences (2013). They have many evidence based therapies for depression, cognitive behavioral conjoint, substance use disorders and many more that are tailored to each person’s needs. I feel there should be more programs to help support our veterans out with their chronic conditions they have. According to the National Council on Aging article, there is programs that are mainly focused for the chronic disease self-management and education for the fall preventions, physical therapy, and nutritional help. There is ways we can partner and join in these organizations to further get involved and get into more evidenced based practice.




      Health, M. (2013, August 15). Veterans Affairs. Home. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from to an external site.

      The National Council on Aging. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionAugusta Phillips

                I chose the American Association of Critical Care Nursing (AACN). Critical care nurses primarily use this organization to educate themselves on various topics in critical care. Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a problem-solving approach to the delivery of healthcare that integrates the best evidence from studies and patient care data with clinician expertise and patient preferences and values (Melnyk, B et al. 2010). The AACN website has a wide variety of educational information, which is where most of the references to Evidence-based practice are. This organization has set the standards for many nurse-driven bundles in hospitals, such as; Preventing UTIs, Ventilator-associated pneumonia, bed sores, etc. Many hospitals have adopted these bundles and use this organization as a tool to find the newest information for caring for patients.

    The AACN is heavily based on evidence-based practice. They are known for their research in critical care medicine and publish numerous articles on evidence-based practice care. Adoption of specific EBP competencies for nurses and advanced practice nurses who practice in real-world healthcare settings can assist institutions in achieving high-value, low-cost, evidence-based healthcare (Melnyk, B et al. 2014). They have different groups that nurses can follow, learn about their research, become a member, and potentially be a part of the research.

    The information that I found did not change my perceptions of this organization. This organization was brought to my attention when I worked in Intensive Care, and I felt its information would be evidence-based. The staff nurse is a critical link in bringing evidence-based changes into clinical practice (Crabtree, E et al. 2016). When working at the bedside, you see how many tasks you do to care for your patients are evidence-based, like foley care or moving the endotracheal tube every 2 hours. Doing these tasks benefits the patients because there is evidence that these organizations researched to find the best ways to care for patients.


    Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2014). The Establishment of Evidence-Based Practice Competencies for Practicing Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Nurses in Real-World Clinical Settings: Proficiencies to Improve Healthcare Quality, Reliability, Patient Outcomes, and Costs. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing11(1), 5–15. to an external site.

    Melnyk, B. M. , Fineout-Overholt, E. , Stillwell, S. B. & Williamson, K. M. (2010). Evidence-Based Practice: Step by Step: The Seven Steps of Evidence-Based Practice. AJN, American Journal of Nursing, 110 (1), 51-53. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000366056.06605.d2.

    Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving Patient Care Through Nursing Engagement in Evidence-Based Practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing13(2), 172–175. to an external site.

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionChinwe U Okpara

      Hello Augusta, excellent discussion.

      Indeed, the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) is a non-profit organization comprised of a group of nurses providing acute and critical care services. The organization offers professional and personal support to nurses in improving hospital patient care. The mission of the AACN is to provide excellent services to acute and critical-care practitioners (AACN, 2019). The organization offers expert influence and knowledge to these nurses in attaining their achievements in critical-care situations. However, AACN focuses on nurses and the long-term beneficiaries of quality health services, including patients and their families (AACN, 2019). The AACN’s NTI program offers a framework for networking with other nurses. Besides, the scholarships help nursing students and workers continue their education. They benefit from developing career paths that enhance professional development.

      Also, the AACN has peer-reviewed journals that provide relevant information on how to handle critical care patients. These journals have essential information about evidence-based practices and how to improve nursing processes. The first is the AACN Advanced Critical Care journal (AACN, 2019). The journal helps update nurses with advice on current issues that express a broad scope of critical care problems. Besides, the AACN webinars and Practice Alerts provide real-time challenges facing the nursing practice and how to overcome them. The organization also supports the CSI Academy projects focusing on the rising challenges facing nurses. Augusta, in fact, the organization, targets optimal contributions by these nurses to provide quality care.



      AACN (2019). NTI 2020 Indianapolis: May 4-7. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses: to an external site.

      AACN (2019). AACN Continuing Professional Development Scholarships. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses: to an external site.

      AACN (2019). Continuing Education Activities. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses: to an external site.

      AACN (2019). Membership Benefits. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses: to an external site.

      AACN (2019). About AACN. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses: to an external site.



       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionGina Gordenier


      I reviewed the American Association of Critical Care Nursing (AACN) and found their website to showcase their commitment to evidence-based practice very well. The website is easy to navigate and provides excellent resources for the care of critically ill patients. When searching the website, I searched for evidence-based practice, resulting in 414 journal articles. These articles ranged from understanding evidence-based practice to applying it when providing patient care (, n.d.). “The most important reason for consistently implementing EBP is that it leads to the highest quality of care and the best patient outcomes” (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). The only way to do this is by continuing to educate ourselves using evidence from our daily practice as nurses and advanced practice providers. This AACN website supports this throughout its website, and this would be a very beneficial resource for those of us working in critical care areas. Thank you for sharing this website!


      References (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2022, from to an external site.

      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Why Evidence-Based Practice? In Evidence-based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A guide to best practice (pp. 12–12). essay, Wolters Kluwer.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionSandeep Sandhu

      Response 1

      Hi Augusta

      I enjoyed reading your post and thank you again for sharing your view on the American Association of Critical Care Nursing (AACN). This website did change my perception though I have rarely used this website. It truly is showing a great example of Evidence-based practice (EBP). The Scrub Club reducing Central-Line Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI) through Evidence-Based Practice is one excellent example on the AACN website where they collaborated with CSI Academy. The AACN CSI Academy program supports change projects based on quality improvement methods. Although CSI teams seek to ensure a linkage between their project and clinical/fiscal outcomes, data cannot be solely attributed to the project and are estimations of impact ( n.d.). Nurses work at the front line and should be directly involved in EBP. This will provide nursing to ask questions and there will be increased chances of using EBP. The EBP Nurse Scholars course resulted in the successful completion of 15 projects related to nursing care and practice and led to significant practice improvements (Crabtree et al, 2016).

      References (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from

      Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving patient care through nursing engagement in evidence-based practiceLinks to an external site.. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(2), 172–175. doi:10.1111/wvn.12126

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionMaria Victoria Valdez Gatuz

    Discussion for Week 1: Where in the World is Evidence-Based Practice?

    Evidence-Based Practice in American Nephrology Nurses Association

    Evidence-based practice is critical for providing the best patient care and nursing practice should be built on evidence (Walden, 2018). This is why the adoption and implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing and other healthcare disciplines are recognized as critical in ensuring optimal patient outcomes and quality of care.

    I have been working with patients with acute and chronic kidney disease and  I use the American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA) website for professional updates and to renew my nephrology certification.  ANNA is a professional association that represents nurses who work in all areas of nephrology, including hemodialysis, chronic kidney disease, peritoneal dialysis, acute care, and transplantation. This organization develops and updates standards of clinical practice, educates practitioners, stimulates, and supports research, and disseminates knowledge and new ideas (Ulrich & Crider, 2017). The mission is to improve lives through education, advocacy, and science. They envision nephrology nurses influencing kidney health through their expertise.

    Educational programs and publications of ANNA are grounded in evidence-based practice (EBP) through a sound educational program that develops, maintains, and augments the competence of nephrology nurses. The belief in a team approach to patient care and interdisciplinary collaboration to advance nursing science will deliver cost-effective, high-quality patient care. As a member and a certified nephrology nurse (CNN), I am proud to say that I am an effective nurse to my patients now because of what I learned from this healthcare organization.

    ANNA actively supports research to develop evidence-based practice. In dialysis, anemia management is a complex challenge for nephrology nurses and frustration is that considerable time is being spent not necessarily managing a patient through anemia protocol to the best clinical outcome but to a reimbursement policy. ANNA researched that patient responses to anemia therapy do not necessarily fit into the mold required of a protocol. As patients become malnourished, are hospitalized, develop hyperparathyroidism, lapse into depression, develop an infection, or fail vascular access, the desired hemoglobin level becomes less attainable, requiring increased anemia management. These results in proposing a policy for monitoring Erythropoietin for beneficiaries with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, resulting in better anemia management.

    I have been using the ANNA website for a few years now and the information I learned made me realize the importance of professional involvement makes a huge impact on the lives of patients with kidney failures. As new research is developed, nurses should apply it in clinical practice to improve patient outcomes (Black et al., 2015).  Being a member of an organization like ANNA is not a waste of money like what other nurses say.  ANNA promotes interdisciplinary communication and cooperation, and monitors and addresses issues encompassing the breadth of the practice of nephrology nursing.



    Black, A. T., Balneaves, L. G., Garossino, C., Puyat, J. H., & Qian, H. (2015). Promoting evidence-based practice through a research training program for

    point-of-care clinicians. Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(1), 14–20. doi: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000151

    Ulrich, B., & Crider, N., (2017). Using teams to improve outcomes and performance.

    Nephrology Nursing Journal, 44(2), 141-151.

    Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2018). Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice and

                Research [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

















     Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionRichard Permalino Tagulinao

    NUR 6052N – Week One Initial Discussion Post – Richard Tagulinao

    “Evidence-based practice is widely understood to improve health outcomes, reduce costs, and improve health care quality

    (Valdez, 2018, p.3).” As a nurse for over two decades, I can attest to how significantly EBP has changed the nursing profession

    and health care. It provided not just positive health outcomes but also increased the confidence of the health care

    professionals in knowing the rationales behind specific nursing and medical interventions. With EBP, nursing practice is

    supported by years of research and extensive experimentation.

    The healthcare organization website that I reviewed is the Catholic Health initiatives or CHI. I selected this because I

    work in this organization and have been loyal to it since 2008. I also wanted to learn more about it in context with our

    assignment. Navigating the different sections of the website is easy, and under the tab labeled patient care, it is apparent that

    CHI upholds evidence-based practice or EBP. The website correlates the delivery of exceptional clinical care with EBP. This is

    highlighted in the organizations’ statements, “in this way, our physicians and clinicians deliver state-of-the-art, evidenced-

    based care each day (CHI, 2018, n.d.).”

    The organization is also vested in innovation; as noted on the website, they have programs like the “ CHI Institute for

    Research and Innovation (CIRI). There are also ongoing clinical trials, precision medicine, virtual care or telemedicine, and

    academic centers of excellence which give those in need confidence that they are receiving the most current and appropriate

    care (CHI, 2018, n.d.).” Looking at the efforts in research and acquiring the most qualified clinicians and staff reflect the goal

    of having EBP at the core of this organization. Thus, CHI is grounded in EBP.

    The information discovered on the CHI website further confirmed my perception of the selected healthcare organization. I

    was not surprised, and it did not change my positive perception of CHI. CIRI, for example, coordinates research and clinical

    trial opportunities across over 100 CHI hospitals and academic medical center partners. “CIRI works closely with CHI Cancer

    Centers across the country to provide CHI communities with novel therapies so patients can be treated locally in the

    community (CHI, 2018, n.d.).” Research can take a big chunk of the budget, and it takes years before the company can benefit

    from it. However, CHI still invested its money in this program because it wanted the best for its consumers, and it is through

    EBP that it can achieve it. CHI’s mission is to improve the health of those they constantly serve and to develop and nurture

    EBP programs are paramount.

    According to Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019), “without current best evidence, practice is rapidly outdated, often to the

    detriment of patients (p.13).” Looking at the other services provided by CHI, it is evident that constant utilization of EBP

    enhanced patient care. At present, CHI has 80 virtual care and telemedicine program. This solidified the organization’s goal to

    provide effective and efficient patient care using EBP as translated into innovative technology such as telemedicine and

    virtual care.


    Catholic Health initiatives. (2018). Working together for good – Patient Care.

    Retrieved from:

    Melnyk, B., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare:

    A guide to best practice. Wolters Kluwer

    Valdez, A. (2018). What guides your practice? JEN. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 44(1), 3-4.


     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionHeather Marie Sovine


      I found your post reviewing Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) very interesting. I worked for one of their partners Centura Health in Colorado, before leaving to do travel nursing. Centura is co-owned by Common Spirit, just like CHI. I left Centura frustrated with their standard of care in the hospital I was in and how the administration approached safety and care issues brought to them by nursing. There was also a façade of shared governance that nursing did not feel was actually true in practice. For my post, I analyzed the system I came from in CA and compared it to Centura in my own time. Centura fell very short in demonstrating a commitment to evidence-based practice compared to what I was used to. Therefore, it is interesting to hear about your experience with CHI. I found an article looking at their merger with other organizations, how they set their mission and how the employees that have been with them through the first ten years felt about the organization (Ross, 2007). You joined the organization soon after this anniversary, and it sounds like the sentiment is still the same. I appreciate their investment in research far ahead of the results. I do not see this in all of the hospitals I have worked for. You mentioned EBP bringing confidence to the community and the nurses giving care. This is an excellent example of them striving to meet the goals of the quadruple aim (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold, 2018).


      Melnyk, B.M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Making the Case for Evidence-Based Practice and Cultivating a Spirit of Inquiry. In Melnyk and Fineout-Overhold, Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed., PP. 7-32). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

      Ross J. M. (2007). Catholic Health Initiatives at 10. Health progress (Saint Louis, Mo.), 88(1), 31–68.

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionErin Lynne Whitehorne

    American Medical Association

    The American Medical Association (AMA) states its goal of “educating members on innovation and trends in health care” (AMA, 2022). The word choice of “innovation and trends” communicates that the American Medical Association follows Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) guidelines to search for the “most relevant and recent” practices (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). Focusing on new research is crucial in ensuring EBP is at the center of provider practice because healthcare and technology are constantly evolving. The American Medical Association has its own journal known as “JAMA” (Journal of the American Medical Association.) This feature on its website is a distinct location for evidence-based practice. Not only does it have new guidelines for providers in general, but it categorizes information into specialty care areas. JAMA releases articles frequently with researched and reviewed clinical studies. For example, the most recent article on the website was a randomized clinical trial published on November 22, 2022, titled “Effect of Regular, Low-Dose, Extended-release Morphine on Chronic Breathlessness in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease” (Ekström e al., 2022). This is distinctively an evidence-based practice process because it uses multiple studies and recommendations for practice (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). The study was performed at 20 health centers over three years, and it was concluded to show that the use of regular, low-dose extended-release morphine was not recommended for chronic breathlessness (Ekström e al., 2022). The fact that the American Medical Association releases its own journal full of evidence-based practice communicates that its work is grounded in EBP. In researching the American Medical Association’s website, I found the American Medical Association’s Center for Health Equity tab. The organization dedicated a task force to reducing health disparities and ensuring every patient and provider is treated equally (AMA, 2022). The fact that this organization is keenly aware of the disparities that exist among minority patients, as well as healthcare providers, increased my respect and trust for the information that they release.



    American Medical Association. (2022, October 14). AMA’s Center for Health Equity mission and guiding principles. to an external site.

    American Medical Association. (2022b, November 29). American Medical Association. to an external site.

    Ekström M, Ferreira D, Chang S, et al. Effect of Regular, Low-Dose, Extended-release Morphine on Chronic Breathlessness in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: The BEAMS Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2022;328(20):2022–2032. doi:10.1001/jama.2022.20206

    Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Health. to an external site.


     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionRichard Permalino Tagulinao

      Week One Discussion – First Peer Response

            Good post-Erin; I agree with your understanding of how EBP or evidence-based practice is grounded in AMA or

      the American Medical Association. According to Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019), “EBP enhances healthcare quality,

      improves patient outcomes, reduces cost, and empowers clinicians (p.7).” With the internal and external evidence

      derived from EBP, clinicians can provide patient care knowing that systematic and rigorous research by credible

      experts supports the interventions and processes. Looking at the AMA website, I was able to verify how EBP is

      intertwined with the health care organization in their values page, where it stated, “ Evidence-informed & community

      driven: we are rooted in the wisdom and expertise of communities and the shared learning demonstrated through

      available evidence, knowledge and stories (AMA, 2022, n.d.).”  Including the community in the shared learning

      experience and translating, it to real-world experience is another mark of employing EBP in their service.

      “Looking at clinical issues through the lens of strong scientific research allows us to provide the best care possible

      for our patients (Walden University LLC, 2018, n.d.).” A specific journal such as JAMA or the Journal of the American

      Medical Association is a testament to their dedication to EBP. As a nursing student and a professional, I constantly use

      JAMA in my assignments before and now in my current practice as a Charge nurse. Our unit-based educators also use

      JAMA in their reference as they introduce new practice guidelines. I once belong to the safety committee in our

      hospital, and we utilize EBP resources in our discussions and training. We identified multiple clinical concerns, and

      when we tried to find solutions to those recurring issues, EBP utilization came almost naturally.


      American Medical Association. (2022, October 14). AMA’s Center for Health Equity mission and

            guiding principles to an external site.

      Melnyk, B., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing and  healthcare: A guide to

      best practice. Wolters Kluwer

      Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2018). Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice and Research [Video file].

      Baltimore, MD: Author.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionCherie Clemmons

      Response #2

      Thank you, Erin, for the great information.  This was my first time visiting the AMA site.  I knew that the AMA was a large organization that

      championed those who work in healthcare.  I was not aware of the large amount of evidence-based research the AMA conducted.  I was

      particularly interested in a statement made by Christine Sinsky, MD who is the AMA vice president of professional satisfaction.  Ms Sinsky

      stated “While burnout manifests in individuals, it originates in systems. Burnout is not the result of a deficiency in resiliency among physicians,

      rather it is due to the systems in which physicians work.” American Medical Association, 2022, October 14). This statement was made in relation

      to an AMA research study on physician burnout.  This is just one of the many research efforts made by the AMA that produced evidence-based

      information.  Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019) explained the importance of disseminating evidenced-based information.  The research efforts

      and dissemination of information by the AMA show they are a strong organization with a high amount of importance within the healthcare



      American Medical Association (2022, October 14.). Measuring and addressing physician burnout.

      Retrieved on December 1, 2022 from Links to an external site.

      physician-burnoutLinks to an external site.

      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare (4th ed.).

      Wolters Kluwer

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionAugusta Phillips


      Great post! The AMA is an excellent resource for evidence-based practice. I have heard of their journal, but I have not had the chance to read it. Nurses and practitioners must review these journals and articles to learn and maintain the best evidence-based practice. Most nursing staff have a positive attitude toward evidence-based nursing medicine but are lacking the knowledge and skills about evidence-based nursing (Chen, X et al. 2022). A solid knowledge base on this topic will help nurses and practitioners care for their patients in the best ways possible.

      In nursing school, I have been on the AMA website, but I haven’t spent much time on it since. It has a lot of good information and current research. The AMA can help nurses implement evidence-based changes. Implementation of EBP is defined as its implication in clinical practice (Abu-Baker,N. N. et al. 2021). This can help nurses improve hospital practices to benefit the patient’s care and outcomes, just like the example you posted. By having that knowledge, the nurse can discuss it with the provider to work on getting it implemented in their hospital. This way, the patients get better care, and the providers and nurses learn how to treat a chronic condition differently.



      Chen, X., Song, Q., Wu, J., Fang, Z., & Sui, G. (2022). The Application Effect of Evidence-Based Care in Gastrointestinal Surgical Pipeline Nursing. BioMed Research International, 1–9. to an external site.

      Abu-Baker, N. N., AbuAlrub, S., Obeidat, R. F., & Assmairan, K. (2021). Evidence-based practice beliefs and implementations: a cross-sectional study among undergraduate nursing students. BMC Nursing20(1), 1–8.

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionTracy Manning

         Evidenced-based practice (EBP) has been shown to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs to intuitions, and allow healthcare practitioners to provide care that is both effective and patient-centered; it is a competency that needs to be translated into practice in order to be effective (Saunders et al., 2019). Barriers to EBP include an unsupportive work environment, lack of knowledge of staff, time constraints, and resistance to change; barriers to EBP can be overcome by healthcare organizations by fostering an environment that both promotes, educates, and supports the investigation and use of best practices (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018).

    Bon Secours is a catholic-based non-profit healthcare organization founded by the Sisters of Bon Secours, it is located across seven states in the United States as well as in two additional countries; they provided hospital-based care as well as oncology, hospice, orthopedic, vascular, and primary care services. On their website at www.bonsecours.comLinks to an external site., they indicate that their mission is to support the dying, poor and underserved populations of the community. Bon Secours also runs The Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing which emphasizes EBP in the curriculum using the Advanced Research through Close Collaboration Model (ARCC).  (Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing, 2022)

    The ARCC model is used to help implement as well as sustain EBP by using eight critical pathways. Pathways include providing the proper culture for EBP by utilizing mentors, increasing healthcare workers’ competencies, and increasing job satisfaction and intent-to-stay rates (Melnyk et al., 2021). By introducing this model into their school of nursing, Bon Secours is showing a commitment to providing EBP with the patient at the center of delivery.

    The information I was able to review did change my perception of the company. In my review of their website, I was able to see all the charitable work that Bon Secours offers through their foundation, the work-life balance that they encourage through offering employees daycare needs, counseling services, professional development programs, and recognition programs; they promote a culture that seems to value diversity, questioning and promote spiritual growth all of which is important when trying to establish and maintain EBP needs in which both the patients and employees may thrive.


    Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing. (2022). Other resources. Bon Secours. to an external site.

    Melnyk, B. M., Tan, A., Hsieh, A. P., & Gallagher-Ford, L. (2021). Evidence-Based Practice Culture and Mentorship Predict EBP Implementation, Nurse Job Satisfaction, and Intent to Stay: Support for the ARCC© Model. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing18(4), 272–281. to an external site.

    Melnyk, B., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). LWW.

    Saunders, H., Gallagher-Ford, L., Kvist, T., & Vehviläinen-Julkunen, K. (2019). Practicing Healthcare Professionals’ Evidence-Based Practice Competencies: An Overview of Systematic Reviews. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing16(3), 176–185. to an external site.

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionDesiree Deutchoua


      Reading your post was intriguing! To add to the discussion: Evidence-based practice is the gold standard for providing safe and effective medical treatment to patients because it considers a wide range of data. Integrating patient and family values into the process of collecting and analyzing data from research, quality improvement procedures, clinical experience, and clinical judgment, assessing results and making appropriate use of health diagnostics and technologies (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2022). The most outstanding patient outcomes, more patient satisfaction, fewer medical mistakes, and lower needless healthcare expenses are all results of evidence-based treatment (Barker et al., 2019). Patients are more satisfied with their care when their providers use cutting-edge science and equipment (Barker et al., 2019). Outcomes, patient satisfaction, and the quality of treatment are all improved when an organization encourages such practice by providing a conducive atmosphere for professional development, enough resources, and competent supervision (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2022). These principles are often included in an organization’s overarching goals and guiding principles. In addition to promoting a culture of high-quality medical treatment, this group also produces, promotes, and performs extensive research, which it then integrates into its practice.



      Barker, J. H., Kane, R., & Linsley, P. (2019). Evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals. Evidence-based Practice for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals, 1-264.

      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2022). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionShayquille Moore

    Evidence based Practice is one of the major contributors to medicine. Most of the medical practices we utilize today and know to work is due to evidence-based practice. “EBP is a process used to review, analyze, and translate the latest scientific evidence. The goal is to quickly incorporate the best available research, along with clinical experience and patient preference, into clinical practice” Kelly, R. 2022, March 21).  This allows healthcare professionals the opportunity to help their patients reach their optimal level of health. One major organization that utilizes evidence-based practice is the AANA (American Association of nurse’s anesthesiology) is a organization that utilizes EBP.  “The AANA adopted the definition of evidence-based nurse anesthesia practice as “integration and synthesis of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values” to optimize the care of patients receiving anesthesia services.” (Kelly, R. 2022, March 21).


    The AANA also utilized resources that use Evidence bases Practice ensure that good standard of practice is continued and learned. This way the AANA is protecting its members and helping patient’s reach their optimal level of health some examples of resources include “The Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) was established in Oxford as the first of several UK centers with the aim of promoting evidence-based health care. The CEBM provides free support and resources to doctors, clinicians, teachers, and others interested in learning more about EBM. (AANA, n.d.).


    The Cochrane Collaboration is an international not-for-profit and independent organization, dedicated to making up-to-date, accurate information about the effects of healthcare readily available worldwide. It produces and disseminates systematic reviews of healthcare interventions and promotes the search for evidence in the form of clinical trials and other studies of interventions. (AANA, n.d.).  After research AANA and its relationship with Evidence based Practice, my perception of the healthcare organization has not change I still fell this website is a great resource and reputable organization. (AANA, n.d.).


















  (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2022, from


    Melnyk, B., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (, Ed.; 4th ed.). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.


    Kelly, R. (2022, March 21). Evidence-based practice. Evidence-Based Practice. Retrieved November 29, 2022, from to an external site.


     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionMaria Mcintyre

      Week 1, Discussion 1, Reply 1

      Hello, Shayquille

      Thank you for introducing the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA). AANA is new to me, and it was interesting to browse the organization’s website. Since evidence-based practice (EBP) is “clinical decision-making that considers the best available evidence; the context in which the care is delivered; client preference; and the professional judgment of the health professional,” the EBP approach can be viewed in AANA throughout the website (Cardoso et al., 2021, p. 1).  According to the organization, “The AANA recognizes the importance of evidence-based (EB) practice and its role within the larger environments of healthcare and society” and offers multiple tools to enhance nurse anesthetists’ knowledge and “assist with putting evidence to practice” (AANA, 2022b, para.1). Besides The Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine and The Cochrane Collaboration that you mentioned in your post, AANA offers ample EBP resources, modules and tutorials, guidelines and systematic reviews to interested viewers. I enjoyed reading articles from the Clinical Practice Resources section, where EBP information can be found on any anesthesia- or surgery-related topic. Finally, AANA’s commitment to the EBP approach is evident in its introduction as “The AANA Foundation supports the profession by awarding education and research grants to students, faculty, and practicing CRNAs,” and has its vision as a transformational leadership that “driving innovation and excellence in healthcare” (AANA, 2022c).


      American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA). (2022a). Clinical practice resources.

      American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA). (2022b). Evidence-based practice. to an external site.

      American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA). (2022c). Who we are.

      Cardoso, D., Couto, F., Cardoso, A. F., Bobrowicz-Campos, E., Santos, L., Rodrigues, R., Coutinho, V., Pinto, D., Ramis, M.-A., Rodrigues, M. A., & Apóstolo, J. (2021). The effectiveness of an evidence-based practice (EBP) educational program on undergraduate nursing students’ EBP knowledge and skills: A cluster randomized control trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1).

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionSerena La?Ta Bibbs

         Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a holistic, individualized method used in the healthcare industry today. When providers deliver EBP in a context of caring and in a supportive organizational culture, the highest quality of care and best patient outcomes can be achieved (Melnyk et al. 2010). The ultimate goal of for using EBP is to improve patient outcomes. Therefore, it is crucial for advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) to fully understand why evidence-based practice is so important to the future of health care.

    With my psychiatric background in nursing, I chose to research the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) organization. APNA is the only PMH nursing organization whose membership is inclusive of all PMH nurses: associate degree (ADN), baccalaureate (BSN), and advanced practice (APRN – including clinical nurse specialists (CNS), psychiatric nurse practitioners (NP), and nurse scientists and academicians (PhD and DNP)) (APNA, 2022). The American Psychiatric Nurses Association is a professional association organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes (APNA, 2022). It provides leadership to promote psychiatric-mental health nurses, improve mental health care for culturally diverse individuals, families, groups, and communities, and shape health policy for the delivery of mental health services. While reading over APNA’s mission, purpose, and core values; I believe that evidence-based practice is apparent on their website.

    The APNA’s website validates that the organization is grounded in evidence-based practice. After exploring through various tabs on APNAs website, I was enlightened by the resources, education advancement opportunities, and trainings that the organization offers. The website states that “APNA champions psychiatric-mental health nursing and mental health care through the development of positions on key issues, the dissemination of current knowledge and developments in PMH nursing, and collaboration with stakeholders to promote advances in recovery-focused assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of persons with mental health disorders (APNA,2022).” The website also provides an eLearning Center that allows members to build their knowledgebase and skills at their own pace with different educational and relevant evidence-based mental health topics (Apna elearning center, n.d.).

    As I pursue my academic career, I have learned that becoming a member of a professional nursing organization that supports evidence-based practice is valuable. I will advocate for improved patient outcomes, reduced healthcare spending, and quality healthcare delivery. By joining APNA, I will be aligning myself with a network of concurring professionals who are focused on the same goal as myself. Utilizing the EBP approach aids advanced practice nurse practitioners to provide the highest-quality and most cost-efficient patient care possible. Evidence-based practice is critical for providing patients the care that they deserve (Walden University, 2018).


    American Psychiatric Nurses Association. APNA. (2022, November 9). Retrieved from

    Apna eLearning Center. Home. (n.d.). Retrieved from

    Melnyk, B. M. , Fineout-Overholt, E. , Stillwell, S. B. & Williamson, K. M. (2010). Evidence-Based Practice: Step by Step: The Seven Steps of Evidence-Based Practice. AJN, American Journal of Nursing, 110 (1), 51-53. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000366056.06605.d2.

    Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2018). Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice and Research [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

     Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionYun Ju Shin


    Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital



    Yun Ju Shin

    Walden University

    NURS 652: Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice

    November 30, 2022


    Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital

    Located in 2950 Boulevard Weston, Florida, the Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital is a nonprofit multi-specialty healthcare organization that integrates hospital and clinical care with education and education. Further, Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital has 250 physicians who have specialized in over 50 specialties. The hospital is also fully integrated with diagnostic centers, a 24-hour emergency department, and an outpatient surgery department. Reviewing the Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital’s website, one of the areas where evidence-based practice appears is the ‘About Us’ tab which clarifies that the hospital provides exceptional evidence-based care to South Florida’s population and has been ranked as the first in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale region for the past 5 years (Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital, 2022). At the same time, after executing a search command on the company’s website, there were 974 results. One of the locations where evidence-based practice was the evidence-based practice self-study course where subscribers undertake 4 self-directed modules to help them understand and utilize evidence-based practices while delivering healthcare services.

    According to the Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital website, the Evidence-Based Practice eLearning Course allows learners to differentiate between the various levels of strength of research and non-research evidence as well as the quality of evidence. Further, they also allow for conducting a review of literature for specific evidence-based practice questions. The modules can be accessed from the Evidence-Based Practice eLearning Course through the hospital’s virtual learning environment (Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital, 2022). Under the Alumni Library on the hospital’s website, evidence-based practice and evidence-based model are explained with their role in patient care also being clarified. Different from that, the information discovered on the healthcare organization’s website has changed my perception of the healthcare organization as one that integrates hospital and clinical care with education and education. Undoubtedly, after reviewing the website, it is also apparent that the management understands the significance of evidence-based practice in providing better patient and provider outcomes like reduced costs and consistency in the provision of care.



    Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital. (2022). About Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital. Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital. to an external site.

    Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital. (2022). Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital – #1 in South Florida. Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital. to an external site.

    Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital. (2022). Evidence-based practice: Nursing: What is EBP? Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital. to an external site.







     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionMaria Mcintyre

      Week 1, Discussion 1, Reply 2

      Hello Yun,

      Thank you for thoroughly reviewing the Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital and information about its evidence-based practice (EBP) resources. The adherence of the Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital to EBP is clearly reflected in its mission, vision, and values. Chan et al. (2020) noted that “Evidence based practice […] combines clinical expertise, patient values, and the best evidence available to provide safe, high quality health care that ensures the best possible patient outcomes” (p. 128). The Cleveland Clinic echoes this definition by stressing the research for health, choosing best practices for care and work environment, and stating quality and safety, empathy, teamwork, integrity, inclusion, and innovation as its values (Cleveland Clinic, 2022b). I liked the Evidence-Based Practice eLearning course you mentioned in your post. I found it helpful in EBP understanding with comprehensive information about PICOT questions and searching for EPB resources. For someone mastering the EBP approach, it’s essential to understand the components of the PICOT question and formulate it “to yield the most relevant and best evidence from a search of the existing literature” (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018, p. 17). Cleveland Clinic eLearning course provides information on EBP and PICOT and, if necessary, connects with a librarian in Library Chat to clarify any questions. Additionally, the Cleveland Clinic Health library and podcasts conducted by experts and EBP professionals in an easily understandable way are excellent sources of dissemination of EB information (Cleveland Clinic, 2022a; 2022c).


      Chan, B., Wei, R., & Fetherston, C. (2020). Innovative digital tools in EBP and information literacy education for undergraduate nursing students. Journal of Information Literacy, 14(2), 128–140.

      Cleveland Clinic. (2022a). Health library.

      Cleveland Clinic. (2022b). Mission, Vision, & Values. to an external site.

      Cleveland Clinic. (2022c). Podcasts.

      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionMaria Mcintyre

    Week 1, Discussion 1, Initial Post

    Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2018) outlined an evidence-based approach to patient care as a combination of external evidence from relevant research, clinical experience based on patient outcomes and thorough assessment, and patient or family preferences based on culture, traditions, and values (p. 8). Crabtree et al. (2016) specified that the evidence-based approach involves clinicians’ ability to formulate a clinical question, research appropriate literature, critically analyze evidence, understand statistics and research methods, and transform clinical practice based on acquired knowledge (p. 172). Evidence-based practice (EBP) aims to improve patient experience and achieve quality patient outcomes. Melnyk et al. (2014) specified that the EBP approach enhances “the quality and reliability of health care, [improves] health outcomes, and [reduces] variations in care and cost” (p. 5). Additionally, applying EBP in clinical settings “improves population health, enhances the patient experience, lowers healthcare costs, and improves the working experience of healthcare providers,” which comprise The Quadruple Aim of healthcare delivery (Walden University, 2018, 1:12).

    A healthcare organization website of my choice is the Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA) since I am interested in advancing my knowledge in gerontology and pursuing a master’s degree in Adult-Gerontology Primary care. The whole philosophy of GAPNA is grounded on evidence-based practice (EBP). The association describes itself as an organization that “provides opportunities for education, leadership, research, advocacy, networking, and the advancement of evidence-based care” (GAPNA, n.d.a.). Its goals, mission, and vision broadly reflect all aspects of the Quadruple Aim of healthcare delivery in terms of enhancing population health and patient experience, lowering the cost of care, and improving the experience of healthcare providers. Thus, GAPNA declares its mission as “promoting excellence in advanced practice nursing for the well-being of older adults,” which reflects enhancing healthcare and quality of life of the aging population (GAPNA, n.d.a., Mission section). The organization’s primary goal is to “advocate quality care for older adults,” which encompasses affordable cost, continuity of care, and improved patient experience (GAPNA, n.d.a., The Goals section). Additionally, GAPNA strives to enhance the experience of healthcare providers via its goals to “promote professional development, provide continuing gerontological education, [and] enhance communication and professional collaboration among healthcare providers” (GAPNA, n.d.a., The Goals section).

    Obviously, GAPNA’s work is grounded in EBP. The organization holds multiple events, such as conferences, workshops, and webinars. It distributes scientific and research knowledge to disseminate innovative approaches to adult care based on the latest research, education, and interdisciplinary collaboration of members (GAPNA, n.d.b., p. 3). The GAPNA publishes Geriatric Nursing, the official journal that serves as “the best source for clinical information and management advice relating to care of older adults,” that contains “peer-reviewed articles [reporting] the latest developments in the management of acute and chronic disorders” (GAPNA, n.d.c.). Additionally, the association hosts Annual Conference to disseminate best practices in geriatric care. According to GAPNA (2022, November 24), an annual organizational conference is a multi-day event that gathers national experts who share “the latest information, evidence and practice approaches relevant to advanced practice nurses and those caring for the gerontological population” (para. 2). Finally, the library of the GAPNA provides ample resources and learning exercises aimed to enhance education and experience of healthcare providers practicing in gerontological care. The association states that its learning activities integrate the latest available research, based on EBP, “to providing high quality care” and supports “evolving best practices” (GAPNA, n.d.d.). Multiple educational materials offered by the GAPNA include such topics as “Primary to Acute Care Atrial Fibrillation,” “Long-Term COVID,” pharmacology workshops, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, COVID vaccination, and other ample materials discussed by experts in these areas.

    The information I discovered on GAPNA’s website has changed my perception of the organization and made me look at the organization’s function from a different perspective. I learned about the organization and watched its development and activity for a long time as a great source of new information and an organization that unites people of similar professional interests and goals. After reviewing its website information from an EBP angle, I realized that the GAPNA promotes “EBP culture and environment,” cultivates “spirit of inquiry,” embeds EBP in its mission, goals, and philosophy, gathers and supports “EBP mentors, who have in-depth knowledge and skills” (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018, p. 17). For example, at this time, the organization’s national Research Committee is accepting abstracts of the innovative projects that improved and impacted patient care for the 2023 Annual Conference (GAPNA, n.d.e). For me, GAPNA is an excellent source of reliable information based on EBP, innovation, and research in caring for the older adult population.


    Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving patient care through nursing engagement in evidence-based practiceLinks to an external site.Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(2), 172–175. doi:10.1111/wvn.12126

    Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA). (n.d.a.). About GAPNA. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from to an external site.

    Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA). (n.d.e.). Annual conference. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from

    Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA). (2022, November 24). Clinical care advisors cover the 2022 GAPNA Annual Conference. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from

    Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA). (n.d.c.). Geriatric nursing journal. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from to an external site.

    Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA). (n.d.d.). Research/EBP(30). Retrieved November 24, 2022, from

    Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA). (n.d.b.). Strategic planning framework. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from

    Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

    Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2014). The establishment of evidence-based practice competencies for practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in real-world clinical settings: Proficiencies to improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient outcomes, and costs. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 11(1), 5–15. doi:10.1111/wvn.12021

    Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2018). Evidence-based Practice and the Quadruple Aim [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

     Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionLiana Iskhakov

    Main Post:

    Evidence-based practice is a compilation of many factors and the highest standard for safe, effective patient care (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). It includes the collection and analysis of various studies, findings from quality improvement processes, clinical experience and clinical judgment, evaluation of outcomes, and proper utilization of health diagnostics and tools, incorporated with patient and family values (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). Evidence-based practice contributes to best patient outcomes, higher patient satisfaction levels, decreases in medical errors, and decreases in unnecessary healthcare costs (Boller, 2017). Organizations that utilize the most updated research and technology have higher patient satisfaction rates (, 2020). When an organization supports such practice, creating an environment of growth, providing resources, and proper mentorship, outcomes, patient satisfaction, and quality care is at their highest (Melnyk et al., 2014).

    One organization that encompasses these practices in its mission, vision, and values is the UCLA Health Organization (, n.d.). This organization not only fosters an environment of quality care but develops, promotes, and conducts vigorous research and incorporates that into patient care (, n.d.). In 2020, UCLA won its fourth Magnet status, a rigorous accreditation process by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (AANC), which requires a demonstration of nursing excellence of care, optimal patient outcomes, and promotion of professional development and practice (, 2020). Nursing programs must incorporate evidence-based learning and implementation into their core curriculums to prepare nurses to incorporate such practices into professional practice and patient care (Melnyk et al., 2010). UCLA nursing school publishes a yearly nursing report identifying research studies and implementing evidence-based practice into patient care. For example, the NICU implemented an evidence-based practice protocol utilizing human milk fortifiers v.s. cow milk for premature infants. The goal was to decrease the frequency of IV infusions and central lines, preventing further complications such as infection and contributing to better nutrition and growth. This initiative was proven successful for infants and cost-saving (Karmarkar, 2022).

    Another example of promoting evidence-based research is a study conducted by UCLA, identifying that conforming with recommended national quality standards by the American Heart Association for heart failure contributes to better patient outcomes (, 2011). The study found that when implemented in various clinics, six of seven recommended measures contributed to a better quality of life and decreased mortality rates ( This study identifies transferability from research to applicable care (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018).

    Studying this organization has inspired admiration and a more profound and precise understanding of creating an environment of best practices, high-quality care, and expectations for greatness. As demonstrated by the examples above, the organization exemplifies the 2014 Quadruple Aim worldwide initiative to create a high level of patient care, improve population health, decrease overall healthcare costs, and promote an environment of respect for its healthcare workers (Boller, 2017). The UCLA nursing school embodies the ANA Code of Ethics, with a commitment to all populations, promoting research and professional development, and advocating for best practices and safety (American Nurses Association, 2015). Health organizations would benefit from studying this model to reach the worldwide Quadruple Aim initiative established by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (Boller, 2017).


    American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements.

    Retrieved from

    Boller, J. (2017). Nurse educators: leading healthcare to the quadruple aim sweet spot. Journal

     of Nursing, 56(12), 707-708. https:doi://10.3928/01484834-20171120-01

    Karmarkar, J. (2022). New Feeding Protocol Produces Better Outcomes for Premature Infants.

    Retrieved from

    Melnyk, B.M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare:

    A guide to best practice (4th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

    Melnyk, B.M., Gallagher-Ford, L., Long, L.E., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2014) The establishment of

    evidence-based practice competencies for practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in real-world clinical settings: proficiencies to improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient outcomes, and costs. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 11(1), 5-15. https//doi:10.1111/wvn.120121 (2011). Key Guideline-Recommended Therapies Improve Survival for Heart

    Failure Patients. Retrieved from to an external site. (2020). UCLA Designated a National Magnet Hospital. Retrieved from to an external site. (n.d.). Research and Innovation. Retrieved from to an external site. (n.d.) Nursing Mission Vision & Philosophy. Retrieved from to an external site.philosophy#:~:text=Our%20Mission%20is%20to%20deliver,the%20work%20we%20do%20daily.




     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionDesiree Deutchoua


      You provide a concrete discussion about Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). Data-based practice significantly depends on using available scientific evidence for clinical decision-making. Evidence-based techniques have continued to gain roots in management, the creation of public policies, education, and nursing practice since their official debut in the 1990s. As one of the most successful approaches to problem-solving in clinical settings, evidence-based practice incorporates the best available information from well-designed scientific research, the preferences and values of patients, and the clinical competence to make choices about patient care (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold, 2022). Therefore, the primary objective of evidence-based providers is to offer patients high-quality and safe treatment. EBP adopts an interprofessional approach that places a significant emphasis on collaborative decision-making in order to maximize the probability of success. Similarly, state, federal, and local players are necessary to adopt and implement evidence-based practice. According to Craven et al. (2020), most nurses are prepared to learn the essential skills and knowledge for implementing evidence-based practice in clinical settings.



      Craven, H. L., Coyle, A. L., & Davis, A. (2020). Shifting evidence-based culture: From project to practice.

      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2022). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionHeather Marie Sovine

    Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian is an organization that consists of three acute care hospitals, 15 urgent cares, and nine health centers in Orange County, California (Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, n.d.,a). The organization’s mission is focused on patient-centered care and increasing access for all in the community. The nursing-specific vision addresses advancing evidence-based care using an interdisciplinary team with the family as the center of care (Hoag, n.d.,b). Hoag has received its fourth Magnet Designation, the gold standard of nursing care for hospitals. Their website also features multiple awards, designations, the latest technology and innovation, and a whole section on nursing-led research, projects, innovations, and national presentations. The only competency out of the five established by the Institute of Medicine in 2003  that is not highlighted on the website is informatics (Boller, 2017).

    The Magnet program is considered one key initiative to increase evidence-based practice (EBP) in American Hospitals (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). The American Nurse’s Credentialing Center (ANCC), which awards Magnet status to hospitals, recognizes that a content nursing staff leads to increased nurse retention and better patient outcomes (American Nurses Credentialing Center, n.d.). This aligns with the addition of the fourth goal in the quadruple aim of healthcare to empower clinicians while also focusing on quality and evidence-based care (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). Focusing on quality over quantity helps to meet standards brought into focus when the Affordable Care Act was introduced to reduce healthcare costs as well.

    From my experience working at Hoag, leadership is very supportive of nursing staff, and there is a sense of pride in being a Hoag nurse. There was a high participation rate in clinical ladder, and nurses were passionate about bringing evidence-based care to the bedside. Leadership supported new ideas, and when new ideas did not produce results, they were quick to listen to nursing on why a new product, protocol, etc., needed to be discontinued and quick to act.  I honestly had not spent much time on the website as an employee. They were my first job out of nursing school, and I was just thankful to find such a great job. I am now living in Colorado and working as a travel nurse, and Hoag has been my best experience by far. Out of curiosity, I explored the websites of my other places of work, and Hoag’s website reflects their drive to meet their goals. Hoag is an organization that truly pursues all three aspects of the triple-aim and successfully brings meaning to their nurses’ work and recognizes them regularly to meet the new standards of the quadruple-aim (Sikka, et al., 2015).


    American Nurses Credentialing Center. (n.d.). Why Become Magnet? Retrieved November 28, 2022 from to an external site.

    Boller, J. (2017). Nurse educators: Leading health care to the quadruple aim sweet spot. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(12), 707–708. doi:10.3928/01484834-20171120-01

    Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, (n.d.,a). About Hoag. Retrieved November 28, 2022 from to an external site.

    Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, (n.d.,b). Nursing at Hoag. Retrieved November 28, 2022 from to an external site.

    Melnyk, B.M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Making the Case for Evidence-Based Practice and Cultivating a Spirit of Inquiry. In Melnyk and Fineout-Overhold, Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed., PP. 7-32). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

    Sikka, R., Morath, J. M., & Leape, L. (2015). The Quadruple Aim: Care, health, cost and meaning in work. BMJ Quality & Safety, 24, 608–610. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2015-004160

     Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionDesiree Deutchoua

    Where In the World Is Evidence-Based Practice?

    Using a careful, problem-solving approach in clinical practice is at the heart of evidence-based medicine (EBM) (Alqahtani et al., 2020). Making therapeutic choices based on the best available evidence and focusing on data from discipline-specific research is central to evidence-based practice. The capacity to look for, comprehend and analyze new information related to patient care and the flexibility to adapt to change are all necessary traits for today’s nurses (Ellis, 2019). Decisions on how to best promote health or provide treatment must be based on the best available evidence.

    World Health Organization (WHO) is the health care agency I have selected. The World Health Organization includes EBP in its aims and objectives. Because of their mission, individuals all around the globe are motivated to improve their health to the best of their abilities in a risk-free environment. Within a robust health system, every person on Earth will have access to a healthcare provider who is qualified, enthusiastic, and well-supported. Even though its stated purpose is to promote health, serve the vulnerable, and keep the world safe, it also aims to advocate and catalyze global and country actions to resolve the human resources for a health crisis, to support the achievement of the health-related Millennium Development Goals and health for all (WHO, 2019). Evidence-based practice may remarkably improve patient care and outcomes when the correct tools, culture, education, and patient engagement skills are developed and used throughout the care process.

    The work of the World Health Organization is based on EBP since it seeks to improve people’s health by giving them more say in their own medical decisions and reducing the prevalence of preventable diseases. Therefore, primary prevention, or taking measures before a problem emerges to avoid it rather than just treating or easing its repercussions, has been a central tenet of this group’s health promotion activities, as shown by the research they have accumulated (Magnusson et al., 2020).

    I greatly respect a healthcare company whose stated goal and vision reflect a commitment to global illness prevention as one of its primary principles. The World Health Organization website has always been one of my go-to resources for up-to-date information on illness prevention, safety, and health promotion. In addition to providing preferable and skilled healthcare personnel, this website also offers clear regulations, improved data, and evidence-based practice methods.



    Alqahtani, N., Oh, K. M., Kitsantas, P., & Rodan, M. (2020). Nurses’ evidence‐based practice knowledge, attitudes and implementation: A cross‐sectional study. Journal of Clinical Nursing29(1-2), 274-283.

    Ellis, P. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing. Learning Matters.

    Magnusson, R. S., McGrady, B., Gostin, L., Patterson, D., & Abou Taleb, H. (2019). Legal capacities required for prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases. Bulletin of the World Health Organization97(2), 108.

    The World Health Organization (WHO). (2019). Enhancing WHO’s standard guideline development methods.

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionJennifer Zambrano

      Response 2

              Hello Desiree, I enjoyed reading your post regarding the World Health Organization (WHO); I also believe that WHO has various resources and evidence base practices to support everything they have achieved. Evidence base practice is essential in healthcare, providing the best care possible; the WHO organization responds to healthcare crises worldwide by providing fast and efficient treatments (World Health Organization [WHO], 2022). Using EBP can reduce healthcare costs, promoting optimal patient outcomes and satisfaction (Crabtree et al., 2016). I enjoy updating myself with current healthcare topics that are going on in the world and the current treatment that is being used. The World Health Organization has been a great source of reliable resources by providing data and supporting research. With the most recent pandemic of the Covid-19 virus, the WHO provided continuous guidance in countries requiring additional support with the Covid-19 crisis and continues to do so by providing vaccines and funding for continued research (WHO, 2022).

              The WHO organization significantly prevents and treats diseases but lacks funding(WHO, 2022). It was stated by WHO (2022) that their research aims to provide healthy lives and decrease health risks worldwide (WHO, 2022). With a new study that the WHO provides, the organization has provided funding to transform evidence base practice into a health policy (World Health Organization [WHO], n.d.). The WHO organization aims to treat the vulnerable and the poor, and the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office includes health policy by supporting the best health research(WHO, n.d.).


      Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving patient care through nursing engagement in evidence-based practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing13(2), 172–175. Retrieved November 26, 2022, from to an external site.

      World Health Organization. (n.d.). Strengthening health research and evidence-based decision making. WHO. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from to an external site.

      World Health Organization. (2022). Who foundation. WHO foundation. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from to an external site.

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  • Collapse SubdiscussionSandeep Sandhu

    Discussion 1 Week 1

    Evidence-based practice and American College of Cardiology (ACC)

    Evidence-based practice (EBP) improves healthcare quality, reliability, and patient outcomes as well as reduces variations in care and costs, it is still not the standard of care delivered by practicing clinicians across the globe (Melnyk et al, 2014). It is better to practice when some things are proven than to run to conclusions blindly. Nursing and all medical professionals are dealing with the lives of people so having some proof on our side improves treatment and brings out better results for our patients.
    ACC’s Mission is to transform cardiovascular care and improve heart health. Over the last seven decades, the College has been the place for cardiovascular professionals to learn, grow and share and will remain so as we realize the ACC’s Vision of a world where innovation and knowledge optimize cardiovascular care and outcomes. The College recognizes its responsibility in bringing a clinical view and a patient voice to medical innovation, toward the goal of improved patient care (American College of Cardiology, n.d.). The Journal of American College of Cardiology is aligned with the ACC’s mission to transform cardiovascular care and improve heart health, the JACC Journals continuously strive to provide the best resources for cardiovascular investigators, clinicians, and specialists at every professional stage (JACC Journals, n.d.).
    For instance, A 2019 Report by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Heart Rhythm Society on Management of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation is updated for 2014 (Craig et al, 2019).
    Since the cardiovascular disease rate is so high, changing prevention and treatment methods are beneficial to progress toward better care. Providing evidence-based practice is best for the patients.


    About ACC. American College of Cardiology. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2022, from

    Craig T. JanuaryMD, Ph.D., FACC, L. Samuel Wann MD, MACC, FAHA, Hugh Calkins MD, FACC, FAHA, FHRS, Lin Y. Chen MD, MS, FACC, FAHA, FHRS, Joaquin E. Cigarroa MD, FACC, Joseph C. Cleveland MD, FACC, Patrick T. Ellinor MD, Ph.D., Michael D. Ezekowitz MBChB, DPhil, FACC, FAHA, Michael E. Field MD, FACC, FAHA, FHRS, Karen L. Furie MD, MPH, FAHA, Paul A. Heidenreich MD, FACC, FAHA, Katherine T. Murray MD, FACC, FAHA, FHRS, Julie B. Shea MS, RNCS, FHRS, Cynthia M. Tracy MD, FAHA and Clyde W. Yancy MD, MACC, FAHA 2019AHA/ACC/HRS Focused Update of the 2014 AHA/ACC/HRS Guideline for the Management of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2019 Jul, 74 (1) 104–132.

    Jacc family of journals. JACC Journals. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2022, from

    Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2014). The Establishment of Evidence-Based Practice Competencies for Practicing Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Nurses in Real-World Clinical Settings: Proficiencies to Improve Healthcare Quality, Reliability, Patient Outcomes, and Costs. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 11(1), 5–15.

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionTracy Manning

      Reply 2

      Sandeep, the American College of Cardiology (ACC) is not an organization I am familiar with but after some review, they do seem like an organization that utilizes evidence-based practice. The website seems to keep the practitioners up to date on clinical studies and has tools such as apps, worksheets, and other resources which healthcare institutions can utilize to assist in providing evidenced-based care decisions (ACC, n.d.).  Using evidence-based practices in patients with chronic conditions such as heart failure which is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally can greatly improve their quality of life (Heidenreich et al., 2022). In a recent interview with Eugene Braunwald considered an authority on modern cardiology, he discusses the importance of mentoring future healthcare professions, and the role research plays in advancing the field of cardiology. (Sabharwal et al., 2021).

      American College of Cardiology. (n.d.). ACC Quality Improvement for Institutions Program. to an external site.

      Heidenreich, P. A., Bozkurt, B., Aguilar, D., Allen, L. A., Byun, J. J., Colvin, M. M., Deswal, A., Drazner, M. H., Dunlay, S. M., Evers, L. R., Fang, J. C., Fedson, S. E., Fonarow, G. C., Hayek, S. S., Hernandez, A. F., Khazanie, P., Kittleson, M. M., Lee, C. S., Link, M. S., Milano, C. A., … Yancy, C. W. (2022). 2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation145(18), e895–e1032. to an external site.

      Sabharwal, N., Dev, H., Sinha, M., Saxena, P., & Raman, J. (2021). Cardiology, Research and Training: An Interview With Professor Eugene Braunwald. Heart, lung & circulation30(8), 1263–1267. to an external site.

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  • Collapse SubdiscussionMiranda Nicole Torres

    Initial discussion post

    To first begin about the healthcare organization I reviewed I would like to talk more about the true definition of EBP. Evidence based practice is where everything leads to higher quality of care of the patients. Our patients is the main focus and in order to have good evidenced based practice happen this is where reduced costs have to take place and improving outcomes of the patients. According to the American Journal of Nursing, they describe evidenced based practice as “a problem solving approach to the delivery of health care that integrates the best evidence from well designed studies and the patient care data” (Melnyk, 2010). Evidenced based practice is about seeing the positive outcomes to a solution and taking out the negative outcomes. An example for this is how do we decreased the risk of the covid-19 outbreak in the hospitals when a patient becomes positive? We use our evinced based practice and use the isolation precautions and implement our nursing measures to decreased the risk of spreading. Now for the organization I chose to talk about for evidenced based practice is called the Alzheimer’s Association that is an advocate to improve care for the patients and families who suffer from this diseases. According to Alz, their focus is to improve access to advance policies to improve the access to quality care services for the patients and to provide long term coverage (2022). Their mission is to create a path to better dementia care so the management of these patients can not be difficult for their families. They are working with bipartisan congressional champions to increase early detection and diagnosis all while trying to prevent avoidable hospitalizations for these patients. I feel this meets evidence based practice because they are trying to reduces costs for these families since dementia can cause financial issues on families. They also are trying to reduce risk of these patients from getting worst as well as catching early diagnosis before the patients decline more.


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    • Collapse SubdiscussionArienne Joselle Ghammangne Moyopo

      Reply #1

      Hello Miranda, I was happy to read your post on Alzheimer’s disease. For the past 15 years, I have been working with a geriatric population affected with this condition. As mentioned by Munos-Bermejo et al., caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease require a lot of dedication, patience, and commitment due to the progressive nature of this condition (2022). I agree with the Alzheimer’s Association goal to improve access to quality care. As a progressive condition, Alzheimer’s disease begins with an early stage and will progress to a late stage. To improve the cognitive state of the affected person, and to slow down the progression of the disease, it is recommended to combine a pharmacological and psychological treatment (Olczak et al., 2022).





      Muñoz-Bermejo, L., González-Becerra, M. J., Barrios-Fernández, S., Postigo-Mota, S., Jerez-Barroso, M. D. R.,      Martínez, J. A. F., Suárez-Lantarón, B., Marín, D. M., Martín-Bermúdez, N., Ortés-Gómez, R., Gómez-Ullate-García de León, M., Martínez-Acevedo, M., Rocha-Gómez, L., Espejo-Antúnez, S., Fraile-Bravo, M., Galán, M. G. S., Chato-Gonzalo, I., Muñoz, F. J. D., Hernández-Mocholí, M. Á., … Adsuar, J. C. (2022). Cost-Effectiveness of the Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Program-Care in Informal Caregivers of People with Alzheimer’s Disease. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(22). to an external site.

      Olczak, A., Truszczyńska-Baszak, A., Stępień, A., & Górecki, K. (2022). Functional Therapeutic Strategies Used in Different Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease-A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(18).

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  • Collapse SubdiscussionJoshua Page

    The implementation of evidence-based practice is incredibly important when it comes to healthcare facilities. By using these best practices, healthcare organizations are able to positively affect patient outcomes and give them the best chance for a long, healthy life. Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the appropriate use of current research and data to guide the policies, procedures, and practices in order for practitioners to make decisions that have been proven to be the best for their patients (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt 2018). I wanted to look at the Kaiser Permanente model of healthcare to see whether there was indication of utilizing evidence-based practice in their own description of the care they provide. In their vision statement, there is no real mention of EBP, nor is there verbiage that would indicate that that is something they consider. They use the buzz words “high quality care” without actually defining what that looks like or even means (Kaiser Permanente, 2018a). In the “Patient Safety” information page, the organization describes that they are working on developing and using programs to minimize patient harm from falls, medication errors, surgical complications, and infections. These are great concepts, but there is still very little in the description of these ideas that would show application of best practices (Kaiser Permanente, 2018). The goal of using EBP is to make sure patients are receiving the best care possible, but nowhere in these website pages is there discussion of doing what evidence dictates is best for the patients. More focused is the message of convenience and lower costs, both concepts that are important to patients. However, neither of these show they are dedicated to EBP. In fact, the headlines from the “About” section are an information link to COVID-19, a link about diversity and equality, and a link about their ratings of providing a healthcare plan. This overall lack of EBP verbiage is reflected in the practice of healthcare providers in the medical centers. Often times, patients are not given the best care because of the bureaucracy, organizational red tape, or cost of that care. While much of the staff attempts to do the best for the patients, it is not built into the organization’s care practices. The example that sticks out to me is that of a patient who arrived to the ICU with a brain bleed that had grown larger. That particular facility did not have a neurosurgical team. However, instead of transferring the patient to a facility that could provide a higher level of care, the administration made the decision to wait and see if the patient would need neurosurgery. By the time that it was obvious the patient required higher care and was symptomatic, the patient was unstable and died shortly thereafter.



    Kaiser Permanente (July 2018). Patient safety.

    Retrieved from

    Kaiser Permanente. (December 2018). Our vision. Retrieved from

    Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA:

    Wolters Kluwer.

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    • Collapse SubdiscussionLinda S Johanson


      I will accept your entry this time because it’s the first week and we are all just getting used to the new course. However in the future please do not post a document ONLY to the forum. You may post a document that ACCOMPANIES the text posted in a forum, but it is not allowed to post only the document alone. Thank you for this consideration.

      Dr. Johanson


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  • Collapse SubdiscussionLaquita Carrington

    Working for a healthcare organization that gives great quality care, where all the healthcare staff comes together to create the perfect environment for patients and staff to thrive has always been the top goal for any organization.  Evidence-based practice (EBP) enhances healthcare quality, improves patient outcomes, reduces costs, and empowers clinicians; this is known as the quadruple aim in healthcare (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018).


    The international Organization of African Nurses (IOAN) is an organization that aims to make a change through research on a local, regional, and national level.  Membership is encouraged on all levels nurses to those who are African descent are encouraged to apply.  The goals of this organizations are to create an maintain the care needed to diagnosis and to provide treatment to patients on all levels.   Introducing modern technology to reduce mortality rates.  Educating the population on preventive care to communities to reduce communicable disease.

    IOAN does participate in research with HIV, communicable disease, and tobacco control.  I feel like this research will used in an EBP setting.  I do feel like this organization website could give more information when it comes to the mission and vision.  It does explain about funding and projects.

    When considering the mental health of Black Americans, it is important to view their experience through a historical and cultural lens. The Black community has shown resilience in the face of adversity for centuries (MH, 2022).  Continuing my education being connected to an organization that can engage with evidence-based practice.  Becoming a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner will allow for me to connect with those in need especially in rural areas now that technology has evolved.  Due to the fear and decreased trust in the healthcare, Black Americans don’t seek mental health care.




    Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A guide to best practice. Wolters Kluwer.

    Black Mental Health: What you need to know. Understanding Mental Health in Black Communities | McLean Hospital. (2022, November 8). Retrieved December 3, 2022, from



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  • Collapse SubdiscussionVivian Nwana

     Evidence-based practice (EBP) raises the standard of nursing care, promotes better patient outcomes, lowers medical expenses, and boosts practitioners’ self-assurance. An enhancement in the caliber of healthcare delivery will result from evidence-based practice. The “quadruple goal” in healthcare refers to these four advantages of EBP. By achieving the quadruple objective in healthcare, hospitals and other medical systems in the U.S. strive to increase patient treatment safety.

    I decided to research the National Association of Orthopedic Nurses (NAON) for this discussion (NAON). I was a past member of the NAON and currently work for an orthopedic hospital unit. The NAON was founded in the year 1980.   The NAON is a nonprofit company run by volunteers to advance orthopedic nurses’ careers. It was initially developed to encourage higher nursing practice standards. This was accomplished by educating medical professionals about current medical procedures and promoting research and efficient communication among orthopedic nurses and other groups with related interests (Cullen et al., 2020). The NAON is a pioneer in spotting gaps and chances for additional education in the field of orthopedic nursing. The NAON examines important healthcare topics that are closely related to orthopedic nursing and directly impact orthopedic patients.

    By encouraging research, the NAON fostered EBP (NAON, 2020). According to the NAON’s mission statement, “Excellence in research, education, and nursing will advance the specialty of orthopedic nursing” . The NAON stresses its focus on Evidence-based practice and how to use it to enhance patient care in its stated mission. The NAON claims to “generate profits via timely and pertinent information, education, and research on musculoskeletal conditions” in its vision statement. This claim demonstrates how the NAON uses EBP to assist patients by utilizing current and pertinent information. EBP allows for the timely and accurate collection of data. The NAON assists in developing and putting into use innovative strategies based on research and practice that is supported by Evidence. The NAON was established based on evidence-based practice. The information I found on the NAON’s website has helped me consolidate my opinion of them as a beautiful organization that changes orthopedic care that focuses on evidence-based practice for better treatment for the patient (Cutilli, 2020).


    Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Farrington, M., Anderson, R., Dimmer, E., Miner, R., … & Rod, E. (2020). Evidence-based practice change champion program improves quality care. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration50(3), 128-134. to an external site.

    Cutilli, C. C. (2020). Excellence in patient education: Evidence-based education that “sticks” and improves patient outcomes. Nursing Clinics55(2), 267-282. to an external site.