NURS-6051N Module 4: Week 6: Discussion healthcare information technology trends

NURS-6051N Module 4: Week 6: Discussion healthcare information technology trends


Throughout history, technological advancements have appeared for one purpose before finding applications elsewhere that lead to spikes in its usage and development. The internet, for example, was originally developed to share research before becoming a staple of work and entertainment NURS-6051N Module 4: Week 6: Discussion healthcare information technology trends. But technology—new and repurposed—will undoubtedly continue to be a driver of healthcare information. Informaticists often stay tuned to trends to monitor what the next new technology will be or how the next new idea for applying existing technology can benefit outcomes.

In this Discussion, you will reflect on your healthcare organization’s use of technology and offer a technology trend you observe in your environment.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 


To Prepare:

  • Reflect on the Resources related to digital information tools and technologies.
  • Consider your healthcare organization’s use of healthcare technologies to manage and distribute information.
  • Reflect on current and potential future trends, such as use of social media and mobile applications/telehealth, Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled asset tracking, or expert systems/artificial intelligence, and how they may impact nursing practice and healthcare delivery.


Post a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare organization or nursing practice. Describe any potential challenges or risks that may be inherent in the technologies associated with these trends you described. Then, describe at least one potential benefit and one potential risk associated with data safety, legislation, and patient care for the technologies you described. Next, explain which healthcare technology trends you believe are most promising for impacting healthcare technology in nursing practice and explain why. Describe whether this promise will contribute to improvements in patient care outcomes, efficiencies, or data management. Be specific and provide examples.


NURS-6051N Module 4: Week 6: Discussion healthcare information technology trends sample post 1

Healthcare Technology Trend

Telehealth certainly took the world by surprise, specifically during the covid-19 pandemic. Telehealth has created a new healthcare trend that I believe is here to stay. According to McGonigle and Mastrian (2018), “telehealth refers to a wide range of health services that are delivered by telecommunications-ready tools, such as the telephone, videophone, and computer” (p. 947). With the continuous utilization of telehealth after the pandemic healthcare workers and patients are becoming more open to the idea of providing care or receiving healthcare virtually.


Challenges of Telehealth

Telehealth has its potential challenges as with any technology. The main challenge with the utilization of telehealth is access to the internet, lack of access to good working internet can make the use of telehealth seem like a nightmare. Ftouni et al. (2022) identified that “poor internet connection and lack of universal access to technology were among the technical barriers in telehealth” (p. 15). In addition, as telehealth is still new and evolving, system navigation can also pose a challenge, especially to patients or healthcare providers who are not used to this level of technology NURS-6051N Module 4: Week 6: Discussion healthcare information technology trends. “Some patients also faced difficulties while using or navigating through different telemedicine platforms and needed in-person technical support and information technology (IT) support” (Ftouni et al., 2022, p. 16).

Benefits of Telehealth

Telehealth creates opportunities for nurses to provide patient care to patients irrespective of patient location, as this is seen as a barrier to healthcare. “The growing field of telehealth is of particular importance to nursing in that there will be many future opportunities for nurses to contribute to care delivery via telehealth services” (McGonigle and Mastrian, 2018, p. 948). In addition, patients tend to respond better to treatment when they are in an environment they are familiar with and around people, they are comfortable with. Another benefit of telehealth is that it saves cost and allows for easy access to providers, rather than waiting for inpatient appointments which can take weeks if not months related to the shortage of healthcare providers. Marr (2018) stated, “with the cost of delivering in-person healthcare continuing to rise, and ongoing shortages of medical practitioners in many countries, it’s a safe bet that all varieties of remote healthcare will be a growing trend in 2023” (para. 7).

Risks of Healthcare Telehealth

Privacy and confidentiality are major concerns for users of telehealth, patients are often worried about how their medical records are protected using this new technology. People looking to sell patient information and cybercriminal might see the use of telehealth as an opportunity to gain access to patient information. “For example, the September 2020 debilitating attack on one of the largest hospital chains in the U.S. compromised computer and phone systems at hundreds of its hospitals” (Cole et al., 2022, p. 3). In addition, healthcare providers are concerned about reimbursement and payment for services, as medical providers have trouble billing patients and some insurance companies do not recognize the use of telehealth as a form of medical care. Cole et al. (2022) mentioned that “throughout the pandemic, telehealth guidelines for each payer have been changing – often rapidly – making it difficult for providers to understand how each payer should be billed for telehealth services” (p. 7). Despite the risks associated with the use of telehealth services, I remain optimistic that telehealth will improve patient outcomes and advance nursing practice.

Promising Healthcare Technology Trend

The use of “wearable medical devices” is becoming the new normal and looks very promising and will certainly impact healthcare technology and nursing practice. Imagine a world where nurses do not have to constantly remind their patients to check their vitals at home because a device automatically does it for them. When next they show up at the doctor’s appointment, with the patient’s permission nurses can check the patient’s smart devices to access the vital sign trends.

I believe the ease of use is a major contributing factor to the integration of wearable medical devices in this generation, everyone is loving and utilizing it. Wearable medical devices, such as smartwatches that detect heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation are being incorporated into daily lives. This alerts the user of abnormal heart rates or more advanced smartwatches that can read EKG and notify the user of lethal cardiac rhythms NURS-6051N Module 4: Week 6: Discussion healthcare information technology trends. Some of these medical devices are also capable of tracking sleep patterns, and water intake, and notifying emergency services, in situations where no heartbeat is detected.

In this current technology-driven generation, the use of wearable medical devices provides its users with the peace of mind of knowing their health information is protected. The use of wearable medical devices will contribute to improvements in patient care outcomes through early detection, patient privacy, and data storage. Just as personal information remains private and confidential, the same goes for medical records gathered by these wearable medical devices. Marr (2022) emphasized the importance of privacy, as he mentioned that “patients never have to worry about sensitive data leaving the device” (para. 10).


Cole, S. A., Cusson, K. R., & Moschell, C. M. (2022). Telehealth Risks During COVID-19 and Beyond. Association of Healthcare Internal Affair (AHIA), to an external site.

Ftouni, R., AlJardali, B., Hamdanieh, M., Ftouni, L., & Salem, N. (2022). Challenges of Telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review. BMC medical informatics and decision making22(1), 207. to an external site.

Marr, B. (2022). The Top 5 Healthcare Trends In 2023. Forbes, to an external site.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning NURS-6051N Module 4: Week 6: Discussion healthcare information technology trends.


Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, offering additional/alternative ideas regarding opportunities and risks related to the observations shared.

*Note: Throughout this program, your fellow students are referred to as colleagues.

  • Two general technology trends in my workplace are that EHRs and the use of technology are getting increasingly ingrained in the workflow, with increasingly complex technology. And also that my clients are utilizing apps and their smartphones as part of their care.

    I recently changed agencies and went from an agency that used a pretty non-sophisticated Ehr called AURA to an agency that uses a complex EHR called EPIC. When I use the terms sophisticated vs complex to compare these EHRs, I am basing these terms on capabilities. AURA seemed able to run certain reports and get information about what was happening with caseloads. And that seemed to help management keep on top of remote workers, for instance, leadership could run a report about which Care Coordinator had a treatment plan due. But it did not seem to have capabilities for looking at overall trends for health in specific patients and caseloads.

    Epic is awesome, however. I was initially troubled by my first training which followed me through an office visit that seemed guided by the system rather than the needs of the patient. I asked the informatics team for more personalized training that would involve using the system for patient care, as it would likely unfold during my workflow, and they said OK, and I got great training.

    Epic is very customizable. Epic has great communication abilities (you can see notes on the patient from every provider in the system). Epic has CDS or clinical decision support (McGonigle and Mastrian, 2022)  to give suggestions for treatment based on what is entered into the system. Epic can help organize your workflow so you, as a nurse, do not forget anything you are supposed to do for your patient.

    So overall,  the complexity and ability to communicate and provide more communication between different caregivers is the trend I see. In discussion with the informatics nurse trainer and my provider, what is intended next for our facility is communication between Smart devices and the EHr, so that when vital signs are taken, they will be automatically entered into the EHr at the point of care by the devices NURS-6051N Module 4: Week 6: Discussion healthcare information technology trends. So there will be more of a move in our agency to Smart devices and the greater integration of artificial intelligence into the Her and items that the EHr is connected to.

    A danger inherent in an Internet of Things type approach to entering data into an EHr, such as having vital signs or telemetry hooked up to the EHr and bypassing nurse input is exemplified by a case scenario in our text McGonigle and Mastrian (2022). In this scenario, a young mother with cardiac issues is left to rest after what the nurse and resident decided were several false alarms, and her monitoring equipment was turned off to silence the alarm. In this scenario, the patient died because a relationship with the technology replaced sound nursing care and judgment, AND the technology was also silenced. We need to be aware that competency with our technology is there to support the care we give individuals and not make the mistake of relying on technology alone.

    McGonigle and Mastrian (2022) discuss a culture of safety and how use of an EHr can do things to contribute to safety, such as by decreasing medication errors. One such way of doing this is by having medications packaged with RFID tags or bar codes to ensure the correct administration of meds. The text describes a scenario where a check system can be put in place to scan the nurse’s ID, the patient’s ID, and the patient’s medications to ensure everything is correct. However, the nurse is still responsible to use their judgment. I worked at a psych hospital a few years ago where the system had 20mg (pink) Zyprexa tablets bar coded and dispensed as 5 mg. Fortunately I was looking for yellow, and the pink pill color immediately had me calling the pharmacy to check. And in this particular case the pyxis was just loaded, so the potential adverse event never reached any patients.

    So the danger with increased use of and reliance on technology is that nurses can forget their part and not use the technology as a tool, but rather rely on it to the detriment of a patient. And a nurse can overcome this detriment by being aware and remembering the technology is a tool, and not total care.


    Another trend is increased patient use of the internet and health apps. I work in addiction medicine and several of my patients use a health app that can remind them of coping skills and strategies to avoid the use of substances. Skiba (2017) discusses how 40% of patients use these types of apps to help with chronic disease and to manage things like stress and weight. Skiba (2017) also discusses how many people use social media and/or apps to discuss their medical experiences and evaluate and find providers, and ask questions related to their medical problems. These writers state that since these types of apps are changing the way people get their healthcare information, that as caregivers, we should help guide and educate people to evaluate these apps for accuracy, reliability, privacy, security, and ease of use NURS-6051N Module 4: Week 6: Discussion healthcare information technology trends.

    A danger in using and relying on Internet technology and apps is that people can rely on information from the internet that is fallible. A prime example of this is the anti-vax movement and the momentum that one discredited study about a relationship between a measles vaccine and autism continues to have due to its supporters talking about it online (Barrett, 2018). Per McGonigle and Mastrian (2022)  google is taking steps to remedy this by fact-checking medical information and making sure that scientifically vetted information will appear first in search results.

    Another danger described by McGonigle and Mastrian (2022) is the ”digital divide.” Many people cannot afford smartphones and/or do not have access to medical information online. McGonigle and Mastrian (2022) describe some initiatives to remedy this, such as the “Connect-ED” initiative designed to give more people access to the Internet. There is also the e-health initiative which is designed to help promote the use of technology for health information and help individual patients understand their health needs.


    I think in the future, the most exciting move for technology and healthcare will be in the direction of the internet of things and wearable smart devices. I already have a smartwatch that monitors my BP, heart rate, and sleep patterns, it hooks up to my scale and allows me to see all this data. It is not something that hooks up to my EHR for my provider to see, but if it had that capability, I would gladly ignore the inherent privacy issues for my NP to be able to see the info, rather than me just reporting it to her. Li et al. (2021) describe a developing platform for the monitoring of women in pregnancy through wearable smart devices that can continually monitor the baby’s heart rate, and the expectant Mom’s blood sugar, vital signs, bloodwork, and other key readings. Per these writers, this will greatly increase outcomes in pregnancies and avoid complications.

    This type of personalized monitoring can only have a good effect. Besides giving the provider real-time information, it will also give the patient individualized feedback that may help them take better care of themselves. Tharageswari et al. (2020) discuss the use of Smart devices for overall health monitoring and just ensuring that patients are taking good care of themselves (in general, and not just for a specific condition like pregnancy). These writers discuss a potential model for interventions if a person is not taking care of themselves. This type of monitoring can be helpful, and assist people in making wiser choices. I think as these devices get smarter and more sophisticated, and there is greater communicability between such devices and our EHrs the wealth of information about our individual health and our community’s health will be greatly increased.


    Barrett, M. (2018). The malign rise of the anti-vaxxers. New Statesman, 147(5419), 17.


    Li, X., Lu, Y., Fu, X., & Qi, Y. (2021). Building the Internet of Things platform for smart maternal

    healthcare services with wearable devices and cloud computing. Future Generation

          Computer Systems, 118, 282–296.


    McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of

          knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.


    Skiba, D. (2017). Evaluation tools to appraise social media and mobile applications,

          Informatics, 4(3), 32–40.


    Tharageswari, K., Pandian, D. S., Raja, L., & Dhanapal, R. (2020). Monitoring Smart

    Devices for Personal Health Care Using Deep Analytics. 2020 Fourth International

    Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC), I-

    SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC), 2020 Fourth

    International Conference On, 744–747. to an external site.



    NURS-6051N Module 4: Week 6: Discussion healthcare information technology trends sample post 2

Main Post

Healthcare Information Technology Trends

Several technology trends have been observed in the healthcare industry in recent years. One trend is the use of electronic health records (EHR). EHRs are electronic versions of a patient’s medical history that are used to store, manage, and share information about a patient’s healthcare. Healthcare providers can access EHRs to view a patient’s medical history, diagnoses, medication, and other plans of care (, 2018) NURS-6051N Module 4: Week 6: Discussion healthcare information technology trends. Our organization uses Cerner, which is excellent as it allows access to information from different healthcare workers, allowing for better patient management. Another healthcare technology trend in our organization is telemedicine, which allows patients to access healthcare services remotely through video calls or other technologies (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2022). Telemedicine can benefit patients who live in remote areas and those needing consultation for services not readily available at one local point of care.

Challenges and Risks

One potential risk associated with EHRs is the possibility of errors in data entry. Incorrect information entered on EHR or medical errors due to overreliance on technology could lead to incorrect diagnoses and treatment recommendations, which could severely affect the patient’s health (Vanderhook, S., & Abraham, 2017). Another potential challenge is the risk of data breaches and privacy violations, as EHRs contain sensitive personal and medical information. If this information is not adequately secured, it could be accessed by unauthorized individuals leading to risks such as identity theft, financial fraud, and damage to a patient’s reputation.

A potential challenge associated with telemedicine is the risk of technical issues disrupting the quality of telehealth sessions. NURS-6051N Module 4: Week 6: Discussion healthcare information technology trends For example, if there are problems with the videoconferencing platform or internet connectivity, it could make it difficult for the patient and healthcare provider to communicate effectively. There is also the reimbursement issue as some insurances may decline to reimburse patients for tele visits as they would in-person visits.

Benefits and Risks with Data Safety, Legislation, and Patient care

A potential benefit of EHRs is that they can improve patient care by providing healthcare providers with more accurate and up-to-date information about a patient’s health. This can help healthcare providers make more informed treatment decisions and improve patients’ outcomes. Telemedicine on the other hand, can improve access to care for patients who may have difficulty traveling to a healthcare facility. This can be especially important for patients with mobility issues, the elderly, and those who live in rural areas where advanced healthcare is not readily available. It could also help triage patients for further treatment as necessary (McGonigle & Mastrain, 2022).

One potential risk associated with both EHRs, and telemedicine is the possibility of security breaches where hackers or unauthorized individuals could access sensitive information if not properly secured. This could lead to lawsuits against healthcare organizations. Wrong data entry in the EHRs could lead to misdiagnosis and poor health outcomes for the patient. Telehealth faces many legal and regulatory hurdles, such as different rules and guidelines for practice causing a lot of confusion in patient management (Gajarawala & Pelkowski, 2021). An example is the lack of multistate telehealth licensure

Promising Healthcare Technology Trends

The use of wearable devices and telemedicine can potentially improve patient care outcomes, efficiencies, and data management. With the availability of more advanced wearable technology, user acceptance of these devices has increased, enhancing physiological monitoring (Loncar-Turukalo et al., 2019). Both technologies can help healthcare providers access essential patient information more quickly and easily, improving the accuracy and efficiency of care. They can improve access to care for patients who may have difficulty accessing health care services in person, leading to improved patient outcomes. Using telehealth also reduces in-person visits, potentially reducing the spread of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19. It could also improve efficiencies by allowing providers to see more patients in a shorter time; for example, a Nurse practitioner could use telehealth to consult with patients remotely, freeing up time to see more patients in person. With EHRs, data can be stored and readily available instantly and securely for authorized users (, 2018). 


Gajarawala, S. N., & Pelkowski, J. N. (2021). Telehealth benefits and barriers. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners17(2), 218-221. (2018c). What is an electronic health record (EHR)? Links to an external site.Links to an external site.Retrieved from to an external site.

Loncar-Turukalo, T., Zdravevski, E., da Silva, J. M., Chouvarda, I., & Trajkovik, V. (2019). Literature on wearable technology for connected health: scoping review of research trends, advances, and barriers. Journal of medical Internet research21(9), e14017.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Vanderhook, S., & Abraham, J. (2017, June). Unintended consequences of EHR systems: a narrative review. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care (Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 218-225). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.

sample response

Thank you for sharing your discussion post with us.  In the review of your post, I found the section regarding promising healthcare trends of particular interest.  Several years ago, I was gifted my first Apple Watch; in turn, I gave one to my husband, and we ended up using them to track things like the steps we took in a day and compete on calories burned, etc.  It became a fun exercise with the added benefits of sending and receiving messages and telling time.  It wasn’t until this past year that I fully realized the benefits associated with the watch itself.  The health monitoring technology in the watch alerted our family to a severe medical condition that was occurring and likely saved my husband’s life.

What happened with my family is, of course, not an anomaly. The rise of smartwatches and other “wearable technology” has been instrumental in alerting potential medical concerns that may otherwise go unnoticed, presenting as silent threats or killers.  Research suggests that wearable devices such as smart watches can be highly effective as a novel screening method for recognizing potential cardiac concerns such as atrial fibrillation (Raja, 2019).  The utilization of smartwatches in health informatics has presented a growing trend in the healthcare industry (Avnish Singh Jat & Tor-Morten Gronli, 2022).  Their increasing use, paired with the value of their health monitoring capabilities, makes the wearable technology in smartwatches an essential tech for a continuous and remote health assessment (Avnish Singh Jat & Tor-Morten Gronli, 2022).  Despite their remarkable ability, it is notable that a possible risk associated with a smartwatch is the user may feel a false sense of health and safety if the alert does not properly indicate the concern.  It is noted that the use of the device does not take the place of a medical provider NURS-6051N Module 4: Week 6: Discussion healthcare information technology trends.


Avnish Singh Jat & Tor-Morten Gronli.  (2022, June 8).  Smartwatch for smart health monitoring: A literature review.  Retrieved January 4, 2023, from to an external site.

Raja, J., et al. (2019, September).  Apple Watch, wearables, and heart rhythm: Where do we stand?  Annals of Translational Medicine.  Retrieved January 4, 2023, from  NURS-6051N Module 4: Week 6: Discussion healthcare information technology trends