Post a description of experiences or observations about how nurse informaticists and/or data or technology specialists interact with other professionals within your healthcare organization. Suggest at least one strategy on how these interactions might be improved. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain the impact you believe the continued evolution of nursing informatics as a specialty and/or the continued emergence of new technologies might have on professional interactions.


Post a description of experiences or observations about how nurse informaticists and/or data or technology specialists interact with other professionals within your healthcare organization.

The technical components of managing patient health information are handled by experts in health information technology (IT). EHRs and other systems that contain patient-related data may be created, implemented, or supported by health IT experts, depending on their position (Campus Blog Team, 2021). They are aware of the required data, its storage location, and its intended usage. Their efforts significantly impact the patient care that is provided. Health IT professionals get involved in working with healthcare teams to enhance results, drive down costs, and introduce innovations in patient care (Campus Blog Team, 2021).


            When I started working at my current employer, they had just upgraded to a new electronic health record system. We were given a mini tour of the new EHR during the new employee orientation. At that time, the IT staff of the company was working incredibly hard because even the most fundamental programming for the new system still needed to be done. Many employees were still utilizing the old system since troubleshooting was still being worked on with the new EHR. New hires were only allowed access to the new system, but most functions still needed to be programmed to utilize. It has been over eight months now with a new EHR system called Axiom. Our IT department has been incredibly interactive with all staff concerning recommended improvements. IT implemented a unique Axiom-related issues ticket system that any employee can send recommendations for enhancements or issues they have encountered. 

Suggest at least one strategy on how these interactions might be improved. Be specific and provide examples.

            While it has been eight months now, the system still needs better optimization for staff to be efficient and provide quality care. Our IT does not consist of any Electronic Medical Records Nurses or healthcare professionals; this has been their biggest downfall. Healthcare IT News (2021) reports that 98% of licensed nurses said they were never involved in the planning or decision-making for technology. The issue that inadequate technology can result in burned-out nurses is also mentioned by Healthcare IT News. My recommendation is that our organization hold meetings with the healthcare team at least once a month to discuss improvements and resolve existing issues. It does not use Axiom daily to access patient information, labs, and documentation. Therefore, IT does not know what would help us to improve patient care. In addition to holding meetings, they should hire an informatics nurse to assist with improvements. Another concerning factor is the lack of training for some of the updates they have completed. It has only sent a summary email of the new functions but no live training. Avoiding workflow concerns and promoting staff adoption of the latest technology will be facilitated by involving nursing staff in decision-making about selection, implementation, and optimization (Casarez, n.d). I believe our EHR would be more effective if the healthcare team had a chance to regularly meet with the IT department to provide input. 

Explain the impact you believe the continued evolution of nursing informatics as a specialty and/or the continued emergence of new technologies might have on professional interactions.

         User participation, re-engineering, and simple-to-use technologies that permit transition periods may be helpful to nurses during the deployment process of EHRs (Electronic Health Record, 2021). While several variables are changing the nature of modern healthcare, they will shift the nursing practice with more technological breakthroughs. Future Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as clinical decision support (CDS), may enable the next generation of healthcare professionals to take on a new, highly skilled, and well-paid position interacting with and examining patients while interacting with a standardized but self-evolving diagnostic and treatment system powered by AI and machine learning (Technological Change, n.d.). However, with the new emerging technologies, there will be even more career opportunities for nurses to enter the technology side of healthcare.  Patients may have easier access to care with further advancements like digital communications, telepresence, semi-autonomous service robots, and AI (Technological Change, n.d.). However, I believe interactions between providers as well as provider-patient interactions may begin to degrade. A significant concern has been expressed about the potential of remote and digital services to diminish the intimacy, immediacy, and humanity found in traditional, face-to-face medical practice from the very inception of information technologies in healthcare (Botrugno, 2021). Hoover (2017) stated that despite the potential advantages for patients and clinicians, many nurses dislike their EHR. Nearly 14,000 nurses participated in a study, and 69% of them said their “IT department is incompetent,” and 92% said they were dissatisfied with their EHR (Hoover, 2017). Although there are benefits to ever-evolving technology, we are nevertheless concerned about how it can affect the warmth, receptivity, and compassion seen in traditional, in-person medical care.


Botrugno, C. (2021).  Information technologies in healthcare: Enhancing or dehumanizing doctor–patient interaction, 25(4):475-493. to an external site.

Campus Blog Team, U. E. (2021, June 15). What Do Health Information Technology Specialists Do? UW Extended Campus. Retrieved December 12, 2022, from to an external site.

Casarez, C. (n.d.). What Role Should Nurses Play In EHR Implementation? Continuum. Retrieved December 12, 2022, from to an external site.

Electronic Health Record Implementations and Insufficient Training Endanger Nurses’ Well-being: Cross-sectional Survey Study. (2021, December 23). Journal of Medical Internet Research. Retrieved December 12, 2022, from to an external site.

Hoover. (2017). Benefits of using an electronic health record : Nursing2020 Critical Care. LWW. Retrieved December 12, 2022, from

Nurses give EHR usability an “F” in a new study. (2021, April 20). Healthcare IT News. Retrieved December 12, 2022, from to an external site.

Technological Change in Health Care Delivery – UC Berkeley Labor Center. (n.d.). UC Berkeley Labor Center. Retrieved December 12, 2022, from to an external site.



Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, offering one or more additional interaction strategies in support of the examples/observations shared or by offering further insight to the thoughts shared about the future of these interactions.


I genuinely understand your sentiments concerning nurses’ frustrations with the functionality of electronic health records. I remember the difficulty I encountered with McKesson EMR software from my previous job. Booth el. (2021) discussed the challenges that healthcare providers face with the rapid changes in technology in the healthcare industry. Nurses should be well-rounded in preparation for the transformation of the healthcare systems, as perceived digital technologies interfere with the traditional caring role and therapeutic relationships that nurses provide to their patients. The role of nursing informatics has long been advocated to support the nursing profession and assist them in integrating technology in line with their other responsibilities. It is believed that the slow adoption of digital technology by healthcare workers has led to a need for leadership skills to support nurses in leading digital initiatives. To optimize the use of digital technology, hospital staff should have equal access to resources. To be successful in this area, maturity in technological infrastructure and expertise helps lessen the pressure brought by the global diversity of the nursing profession.

In response to the demands of healthcare driven by the aging population and the cost of technology, policymakers have highlighted the importance of information and technology to improve efficiency and clinical outcomes. According to the National Health Expenditure Accounts, a fraction of healthcare costs soared by four percent every 20 years. The affordable care act spent around $30 billion to increase the take-up of EHR. Last 2014, 97% of hospitals are certified electronic health record technology users.   While considering the importance of digital technology in the healthcare industry, we fear that machines replacing human jobs is possible, leading to mass unemployment. Potential changes will affect the future workforce; however, we need to examine the impact of technology and its benefits to humans and know how to manage the unforeseeable changes. One of the advantages of new communication technologies is the resolution of miscommunication common in a complex system like modern medicine. The U.S. healthcare system is not spared from preventable medical errors and wasteful allocation of resources, which caused 44,000 lives to die annually due to hospital negligence. EHR resolves this complex issue; it offers more efficient ways to communicate with other healthcare teams, which is a substantial improvement from the days of illegible physician handwriting, which results in transcribing errors. Similarly, computerized physician word entry (CPOE) provides a safer way for physicians to communicate orders that helps prevent this problem (Bronsoler, 2020). Admittedly the introduction of electronic-based documentation is a far cry from paper charting, which nowadays is considered a significant transformation in healthcare. The electronic Health Record system makes nurses’ jobs easier and improves patient care quality. The need for nurses’ acceptance of digital technology is essential; finding its strength to maximize its use goes a long way (Salameh et al., 2019).



Salameh, B., Eddy, L., Batran, A., Hijaz, A, Jaser, S. (2019). Nurses’ Attitudes Toward the Use of an Electronic Health Information System in a Developing Country. to an external site.

Bronsoler, A. (2020). The Impact of New Technology on the Healthcare Workforce. to an external site.

Booth, R., Strudwick, G., Mcbride, S., O’ Connor, S., Lopez, A. (2021). How the Nursing Profession should Adapt to a Digital Future. to an external site.



The American Nurses Association defines nursing informatics as “the specialty that integrates nursing science with multiple information and analytical sciences to identify, define, manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice” (as cited in HIMSS, 2019).  Nursing informatics (NI) is essential to nurses by enhancing their daily practice and ensuring they make sound, evidence-based clinical decisions (McGonigle, 2017).  NI uses modern technology to access data in all facets of the nursing profession, including daily care, administration, learning, and research. Using these newer technologies allows nurses to be more efficient and improves their patients’ outcomes (Darvish et al., 2014).

I work in a hospital part-time that used EPIC and have seen many changes in EPIC over my time there. I work in the emergency department, so we would have “pop-ups” that would pop up in their chart if they met specific criteria for something such as sepsis protocol. These “pop-ups” were designed to alert nursing staff so intervention could happen earlier on to address the problem. Most recently, there was a change to our sepsis criteria pop-up because many of the patients diagnosed with sepsis were not being treated for it until later in their stay. Our nursing informatics team created new criteria for sepsis. They were able to look at previous patients’ charts diagnosed and treated for sepsis and see similarities such as their vital signs and blood work. They were able to work with the management team and the doctors of our department to make new criteria for sepsis that would alert us ahead of time and allow us to intervene earlier. With these new criteria, the pop-up would alert us that the patient met the criteria for sepsis, and then we would be able to accept it or decline it. Once accepted, it would automatically place sepsis orders into the patient’s chart so the nurse could give the patient medications such as antipyretic and iv fluids before the doctor had even seen them. This upgrade to EPIC was extremely beneficial and included many different departments’ collaboration. Unfortunately, this is not how it always worked. I remember several upgrades to EPIC that occurred without any input from the physicians or nurses who are the who use the system which did not go well. For example, with one upgrade it took over an hour to find the patient’s emergency contact NURS-6051N Module 2: Week 3: Discussion INTERACTION BETWEEN NURSE INFORMATICISTS AND OTHER SPECIALISTS. Think of that in an emergency not being able to call a person’s emergency contact because we cannot find it in our computer because the system had changed, and it was placed in a different spot that no one was aware of. Another example of a change with the “pop up” boxes is wanting to add an order set when a patient is admitted. Most of the time, these orders meant nothing to the current nurse, and it was ignored by that nurse. This could cause issues for the nurse on the floor taking the patient. Yet again it was a change that was not talked about or explained to the nursing staff.  Thus, one strategy for improving the interactions between the nursing informatics team and other healthcare professionals would be to have a committee made up of nursing informatics, physicians, nurses, and other healthcare staff that use the system. This committee would discuss any changes to EPIC and how to improve the system before the changes were implemented. I think this would be extremely beneficial because I cannot tell you how many times, I have heard someone say something along the lines of “it would be nice if they asked someone who used the system if this would be a good idea before they changed it”. I believe with the continued advancement in technology, nursing informatics will become more evolved and more well-known, and integrated among all healthcare facilities. I believe this evolution will allow people to seek care through different means. I believe telehealth and video visits will become more prevalent, and fewer people may seek out in-person appointments. With telehealth and video visits becoming more prevalent and easily accessible it will give healthcare access to those who might not be able to access it otherwise. Yet again if they don’t have a committee made up of a team of people planning to use the technology, there will always be errors in the system in place NURS-6051N Module 2: Week 3: Discussion INTERACTION BETWEEN NURSE INFORMATICISTS AND OTHER SPECIALISTS.


Darvish, A., Bahramnezhad, F., Keyhanian, S., & NaviHamidi, M. (2014). The role of nursing informatics in promoting quality of health care and the need for appropriate education. Global journal of health science6(6), 11–18. to an external site.

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, Inc. (HIMSS). (2019). What is nursing informatics? Retrieved from       

McGonigle, D., & Mastianm, K. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.



Interaction between Nurse Informaticists and Other Healthcare Professionals

Nurse informaticists interact with almost all professionals within the healthcare setting, although the communication pattern utilized might not be as direct as one would expect. The interaction between nurse informaticists and other healthcare professionals is important, and it happens more frequently than we think. Working as a travel nurse, one thing I find common in every hospital I work at is new employee orientation, this process introduces new nurses to the hospital EMR and grants nurses access to different medical portals or electronic equipment used. Medical equipment such as the glucometer used to check a patient blood glucose level or the Acudose machine used to dispense a patient’s medication are important pieces of equipment that nurses need to perform their job. The nurse informaticists work with the IT department to create unique identifications such as usernames or barcodes imprinted on the nurse’s badge to have access to these devices. The nurse informaticist is an integral part of any healthcare organization to ensure the smooth running of the healthcare industry.

Strategy to Improve Interactions

One major way to improve the interaction between nurse informaticists and other healthcare professionals is the implementation of a good communication strategy. Establishing good communication between the NI and other healthcare professionals will ensure things run smoothly. Often miscommunication with the NI can cause delays in the onboarding process for newly hired nurses. For instance, in a hospital I worked at, on my first two days of orientation, I could not document my assessment or give patient medications because I did not have access to the EMR. This resulted from a lack of communication with the NI that I would be joining the team. It is important for unit managers or HR to communicate efficiently with the nurse informaticist in the hospital. 

Another strategy to improve the interaction between nurse informaticists and other healthcare professionals is to be open-minded and willing to learn from nurse informaticists. Often, nurses can be resistant to change, and keeping an open mind will help nurses learn and utilize technology without difficulties. “Uncovering the right balance of information science in aggregation with nursing science is an ongoing process that will depend on the progressive thinking and determination of today’s modern, educated nurse and the support of nursing informatics specialists” (Overhultz, 2017).

Impact of Continued Evolution of Nursing Informatics on Professional Interaction

The advancement of nursing informatics through technology will improve professional interaction in healthcare. The emergence of new technologies will make communication between nurse informaticists and other healthcare professionals seamlessly easy and help acclimate using new technology to reduce medical errors and improve patient care and safety NURS-6051N Module 2: Week 3: Discussion INTERACTION BETWEEN NURSE INFORMATICISTS AND OTHER SPECIALISTS. “Nurse informaticists embrace patient safety, optimize care, and support clinical nurses. They are problem solvers committed to ensuring that nursing teams are trained on available resources” (Kwiatkoski, 2021, para. 3)

While others might see the evolution of technology in healthcare as a threat, I believe the incorporation of advanced technology by nursing informaticists will improve nurses’ performance in healthcare. For instance, the use of telehealth in nursing, allows providers to communicate among themselves and with patients using established secured communication lines from different locations. McGonigle and Mastrian (2017), further emphasized that the use of “telehealth will provide opportunities for telenurses to become key players in care management across the healthcare continuum” (p. 1018). However, the idea that technology will someday take over the role of nursing care in healthcare is unrealistic. 


McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Overhultz, P. (2017). Evolution of Nursing Informatics. PeraHealth Insights. Retrieved December 13, 2022, from to an external site. 

 Kwiatkoski, T. (2021). Nursing Informaticists Are the Backbone of Technology-Driven Care. ONS Voice. Retrieved December 13, 2022, from to an external site. NURS-6051N Module 2: Week 3: Discussion INTERACTION BETWEEN NURSE INFORMATICISTS AND OTHER SPECIALISTS